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What Are Your AC Options?

That’s a really good question. If you’re on the market for a new air conditioning system in our neck of the woods, then it’s an exciting time! Cooling technology has advanced far in the past two decades, and we are inundated with more and more options for unique home cooling appliances. So for anyone out there looking for AC installation in Shreveport, keep reading for some powerful cooling options.

Every home is different, which means we’re going to have to zero in on some of the more important aspects of your home comfort. From efficiency to affordability, the cooling system you decide on will need to make you happy on all fronts. Sound good?

Hopefully, by the end of this blog, you’ll have a clear picture in your head of what kind of AC system you’d like to purchase.

The Right System for the Right Home

This isn’t like going be to a grocery store and finding the best bit of produce available. Some air conditioners will simply be outside of your budget or won’t be up to your efficiency standards, and that’s okay! No home is the exact same, which is why we have such a wide variety of air conditioners to offer. Take a look below and consider your own home.

Central Air Conditioners

These systems are the gold standard of air conditioning around the country. That’s for good reason! They’re highly efficient and effective cooling systems that are powerful enough to cool an entire home. They’re some of the more affordable systems in relation to others, and they just simply work. If you’re looking for an air conditioner that will cool your home with no questions asked, a central air conditioner is the safest bet.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps use the same technology a central air conditioner does, with one huge difference—heat pumps can operate in reverse. That’s right, they can become a reliable heating system in the winter for homes that deal with mild winters. They might not be the best alternative for our northern neighbors who deal with snowy or extreme winters, but here in Shreveport, heat pumps can be a year-long solution to our comfort problems.

Ductless Mini Splits

Ductless mini splits are heat pumps that function with another big difference. They don’t require the use of air ducts, where central air conditioners and average heat pumps do! This can be perfect for homeowners looking or a highly efficient cooling system that works in their home, even if their home is too small or old for ductwork installation. Call our team for ductless mini split installation if you think this might suit your home.

Geothermal and Solar Air Conditioners

The list goes on! We have geothermal cooling systems as well as solar air conditioners for homeowners who are more environmentally conscious. Energy exists all around us, whether it’s heat in the atmosphere to be drawn out by heat pumps, or energy that comes from the sun. Our job is to harness that energy in some way to provide cooling to your home. Call us if you’re interested in an alternative cooling solution today!

The team at Hall’s Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration can set you up with the right air conditioner. Call the doctor of home comfort today!

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