Is Your Thermostat Costing You Money?

Monday, November 25th, 2019

Thermostats are a necessary component of your heating and cooling system. While they might sit on your wall and feel like the remote to your television set, they provide a unique service that can be overlooked by many homeowners. Thermostats are in charge of being the human connection—the temperature regulator that sends the signal you program to the complicated machinery down in your basement. If you’re noticing that the thermostat numbers don’t match the heat or cooling that’s coming from your air ducts, there could be a major problem at hand.

While many homeowners would overlook a thermostat problem, we implore you to schedule HVAC maintenance in Shreveport if you’re experiencing a dissonance between the numbers displayed on your thermostat and what’s actually being produced by your heater. That and the fact that an older thermostat could be costing you money.

Don’t believe us? Keep reading!

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What a Technician Looks for During an AC Inspection

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

If you’re on the prowl for a new HVAC technician to inspect your AC, it might be beneficial to know exactly what the technician does! Specialists who work on air conditioners usually use a narrowed-down checklist that can help them identify if there are any problems with the function of your AC. While we might not be able to give you that exact checklist, we can tell you about a few items that are usually on those lists, which end up being some of the more common problems for AC systems.

AC inspections are paramount to the health and lifespan of your air conditioner. We’re not saying that you should perform your own AC inspections after reading this blog post, but maybe this information could help you be more aware of what technicians are looking for when they open up your machine. Regardless of whether or not you think there’s a problem with your AC, it’s never a bad idea to schedule HVAC maintenance in Shreveport, LA with one of our technicians.

So let’s get into it. What does a technician look for when they perform an AC inspection?

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