When Does a Drop in Heater Efficiency Means the Heater’s End Is Nigh?

Monday, January 27th, 2025

We always encourage homeowners to pay special attention to their heating bills for each month. A sudden and unexpected uptick in heating costs often warn of a need for heater repair — it’s one of the most common ways to tell there’s a problem. A malfunctioning heater will often lose its energy efficiency.

There’s another reason to keep a close watch on those bills. A drop in energy efficiency can also indicate that a heating system is in a permanent decline due to age. Even with the best heating repair in Benton and regular heating maintenance, no heating system will last forever. Age and wear and tear will catch up to it. So when does a drop in your heater’s efficiency indicate that you’ve got a heater on the way out rather than just a heater that needs a repair? We’ll look at this question more below and offer advice you can use.

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Should You Replace Your Furnace After This Winter?

Monday, March 11th, 2024


As the winter season winds down, it’s time to reflect on the performance of one of the unsung heroes of your home—the furnace. Your furnace works tirelessly to keep you warm during the chilly months, but how do you know if it’s holding up well after a season of hard work? In this guide, your trusted HVAC experts will walk you through the signs that may indicate your furnace is nearing the end of its service life.

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Spring Is a Good Time for a Heating Upgrade

Monday, April 15th, 2019

tulips-in-springSpring is often a time of weird weather shifts, but the trend is toward warmer weather until the true summer heat settles in. You’ll use your home heating system less and less through April and May until it shuts off for a few months.

If you’ve been thinking about improving your home heating, spring is a good time to call professionals who know all about heating in Shreveport, LA.

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A Reminder About Cracked Heat Exchangers in Furnaces

Monday, January 21st, 2019

furnace-oldWe’ve talked about this topic before, but it was a few years ago—and it’s one of the most important subjects to know about when it comes to home heating. Gas furnaces are the most common type of home heating systems, and cracked heat exchangers in gas furnaces are a major problem and serious potential safety hazard. Understanding the cracked heat exchanger can be a real lifesaver!

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The End of Winter: Is Your Old Furnace Ready to Retire?

Monday, March 19th, 2018

furnace-gas-with-pipesWinter officially ends this week, and we hope you already have plans for your air conditioning maintenance. Early spring is the best time to do it!

But do you also have plans to scrap your old furnace? You just went through another winter with it, and depending on how well it performed, you might be debating having a new one installed before the next winter arrives.

If you feel a bit hesitant about making a decision about replacing your furnace, that’s fine. Installing a new furnace is a large investment, and you don’t want to jump into it unless it’s the most cost-effective option. We’re here to help! You can call on us for assistance in determining if you’re ready for a new furnace, or if furnace repair in Shreveport, LA can keep it working effectively for a few more years.

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What Is the Big Difference Between How Electric and Gas Furnaces Run?

Monday, February 6th, 2017

burners-gas-furnaceTo most people, a furnace is just a furnace. Regardless of the power supply that it uses, a furnace is a device that heats up, then heats up the air, and then sends that air through ductwork to the rooms.

You really don’t need to know much more than this. As long as you know to rely on professionals to take care of annual maintenance for your home’s furnace (make sure you do it every fall) and remember to regularly change the air filters, you can expect your furnace to put in years of great work keeping your family warm.

But a little knowledge can often help, especially when you’re thinking about getting a new furnace. So we’re going to look a bit closer into what makes electric furnaces and gas furnaces different. It’s more than just the type of energy they use!

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Times When You Should Replace Your Boiler

Monday, February 29th, 2016

The winter isn’t quite over yet, but we’ll soon start to enjoy warmer temperatures here in Louisiana, and that means we can ease back on how much we use our heating systems. Now is a good period to start considering making a major change in the way you heat your home.

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Consider a New Gas Furnace for Superior Energy Efficiency

Monday, December 21st, 2015

If you’re like the majority of homeowners, you have a gas furnace to provide warmth to your household during the winter. Gas furnaces are powerful, dependable, and can help keep utility bills under control since natural gas is a less costly fuel than electricity or other heating oils. However, an aging gas furnace will start to turn into an energy-waster: dirt, worn-down components, and other stress on the system will make it work harder than it should.

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