These 3 Signs Mean You Need Heater Service Now

Monday, December 19th, 2022

There are two types of heater service needs. The first is fairly basic. You either need to schedule annual heater maintenance or you suspect something may be wrong with your heater. Either way, your heater is still running and keeping your home comfortable. 

The second is an emergency. Your heater stopped working or is on the brink of collapse. It may be making unusual sounds or it may smell bad. If your heater is still working, you’ve likely turned it off because whatever is wrong concerns you. When this happens, it’s definitely time for heater service in Shreveport, LA. Learn the top 3 signs that it’s time to call us for service ASAP! 

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Two Repairs, One BIG Difference

Monday, March 15th, 2021

That big difference is more money in your pocket, but we need to actually explain how we got to this conclusion!

Imagine two different homes with similar heating repairs. One homeowner decides to search online for the cheapest prices for HVAC in Shreveport, LA to find perhaps a family friend or a local amateur. The other homeowner decides to go with our team for professional HVAC service. While these might seem like similar solutions, they’re actually different and will achieve different results.

Amateur service can be cheaper upfront. We won’t lie to you: it’s enticing when you see the price a local amateur or a family friend is willing to charge for your heater repair. But what you don’t pay upfront, you will pay years from now when you discover your heater was repaired improperly and that it’s been running inefficiently ever since!

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