My AC Is Running All the Time—What’s Wrong?

Monday, June 25th, 2018

air-conditioning-compressorWe may joke about how during our hot and humid Louisiana summers the air conditioners have to be running nonstop. Of course, there are cooler spells and evenings when ACs power down, and no air conditioner needs to power the compressor constantly to meet a home’s cooling demands. (At least, not if it was correctly sized for the space when it was installed.)

If you do notice that your air conditioner’s compressor is running constantly rather than cycling down as it’s supposed to, you may have a malfunctioning cooling system. Below we’re going to look at some of the reasons you’ve got a runaway air conditioner.

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Why Your AC May Overheat and Stop Working

Monday, June 11th, 2018

compressor-in-ac-unitYour air conditioning system works hard on hot days—that’s what it’s there for, after all! But even an air conditioning system can get too hot, causing its motors to trip the circuit breaker to the system. You can reset the breaker, but it’s likely to happen again and again and again. Not an inconvenience you want during the summer!

An air conditioner is designed to handle extremely hot days, but malfunctions can cause it to overheat and trip a breaker. We’re going to list the most common malfunctions that create this problem and what you can do to help prevent them.

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Do I Need a Dehumidifier When I Have an AC?

Monday, May 28th, 2018

flushed-man-before-fanIf you’ve lived through a summer here in Louisiana, you understand that humidity is a serious problem for comfort. Even mild warm days can feel like a blistering 90°F when the relative humidity level is high enough. The reason for this is that the higher moisture levels in the air trap heat inside the body, making it harder for it to release the excess heat through perspiring. Humidity causes other troubles as well: encouraging mold and mildew growth and causing water damage to surfaces.

But you have an air conditioner in your home, so that should take care of the humidity problem, right?

Well, not really. You may have heard that air conditioners are natural dehumidifiers, but there’s more to it than that.

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Summer Problems You’ll Avoid Thanks to Spring AC Maintenance

Monday, April 16th, 2018

service-markerWe always encourage our customers to schedule spring air conditioning maintenance with us. We don’t want to be a pest about this, but it is extremely important to have these inspections and tune-ups done each year before the big summer heat and humidity arrives. There are many reasons why air conditioning maintenance is such an important job, and we’re going to look at a few specific problems an AC that doesn’t have spring maintenance done might run into.

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Checking the Furnace Flue: It Could Be a Lifesaver!

Monday, March 5th, 2018


Safety is a vital part of all the jobs we do for our customers. When we fix a natural gas furnace in a house, we don’t just ensure that it will come on, provide heat, and operate at energy-saving levels. We also make sure it runs as safely as possible. Although gas furnaces are built with the same priority on safety that we use in our work, it is possible for the combustion byproducts from the furnace—which include carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide—to accidentally enter living spaces. These are toxic gases and create many serious, life-threatening health hazards.

You’re probably aware of what high concentrations of these gases do. But the safety concerns aren’t only about a large amount of combustion byproducts flooding into a home. There’s also the risk of chronic exposure to low levels. The symptoms aren’t as obvious, but over the long-term can be just as dangerous, especially to infants and the elderly. The main reason for the low-level presence of combustion byproducts is a furnace that is venting poorly.

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What Is the Best Air Filter and Air Purifier Combination?

Monday, February 5th, 2018

air-fliter-cuFebruary isn’t too early to start thinking about the spring. The start of spring means allergy season, although it doesn’t always wait for the official first day of spring. It can strike as early as this month. As soon as the weather warms up a bit, pollen-bearing plants start to bloom and the pollen count spikes. That means sniffles, sneezes, asthma, and worse!

If you’re worried about allergy season, or about just staying healthy in general in your house, it’s a good idea to have indoor air quality improvements installed in your HVAC system. Air filters and air purifiers are the most common methods of removing allergens and other aggravating particles from circulating around a house. Usually, IAQ experts pair a filter with a purifier. Filters are a standard way of air cleaning, and they’re useful for almost any home. Since some smaller particles can work through a filter’s mesh, an air purifier serves as the second line of defense.

But there are many types and strengths of air filters, and just as there are many types of air purifiers. How do you find the best combination for great air quality in your home?

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How an HVAC Contractor Can Help You during Winter

Monday, December 11th, 2017

girl-welcomes-winterWe don’t have to deal with stern winters here in the Shreveport area. But we’re not exactly Florida or Southern California either. Over this coming season, you might need to have the assistance of a professional HVAC contractor to help with issues like keeping your heating running and maintaining its energy efficiency. A good HVAC contractor can also make improvements to your air quality and even lower the chance of the spread of illness around the household.

So, without further ado, here are some ways an HVAC contractor in Bossier City, LA can make a difference for you this winter.

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Consider Going Ductless for Your Next AC Installation

Monday, September 4th, 2017

behold-a-ductless-mini-splitThe fall is an ideal time to take care of HVAC installations in your home, both heating and cooling. The period between the harshest weather of the year allows you to take stock of your home’s comfort needs without feeling rushed. It’s also a good time to take advantage of the slower schedules of HVAC professionals, who aren’t under the burden of handling numerous AC or heating emergency repair calls.

So as we wrap up another hot and humid summer here in Louisiana, we encourage you to think about whether it’s time to retire your current cooling system and have a new air conditioner installed. If you think that, yes, 2017 is the year when you have a new AC put in, then you might want to think about the possibility of going with a ductless air conditioning system. Our technicians are experienced with working with ductless mini split systems, and they’re glad to help you make the choice and take on the installation duties.

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Why Bad Ductwork Is Bad News for Your AC

Monday, July 24th, 2017

vent-cover-roomWe once did a post on how problems with ductwork can mean a spike in winter heating bills. But it’s not a problem that’s limited to the winter and times when you need your heating system working. The standard central air conditioner that uses ductwork (which is the majority of systems) can suffer from major issues if there are breaks, gaps, and other leaks in the ducts of the ventilation system.

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3 Major Myths about Air Conditioning We’d Like to Debunk

Monday, May 29th, 2017

spinning-ac-fanWe love the Internet! It’s the best way for us to reach customers and let them know the services we can provide for them. We bet you love the Internet as well, since it puts information and services at your fingertips in a way never possible before.

But there are also those times when we all sort of hate the Internet. If you’re an HVAC contractor, one of your pet peeves about the web is how easily it spreads bad information about air conditioning and heating systems through DIY blogs and amateur websites without credentials. This has kept a number of old air conditioning myths alive that should’ve been buried a long time ago.

We’re here to try to put to rest 3 of the biggest myths we still hear and read about. Knowing the truth will help you better care for your AC, as well as let you know when it’s time to contact us for air conditioning service in Bossier City, LA and throughout the Shreveport area.

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