Our Specialized Air Quality Services

Monday, February 15th, 2021

When you get home after a long day working, or perhaps after you’ve been to the grocery store during this pandemic, it feels good to take a deep breath of clean, fresh air. Air that’s free of contaminants like germs, mold, and dust just feels better. Not every home feels like this, and we believe that’s a shame.

It doesn’t have to be this way for your home, or for many of the homes in our area. If you think dust and germs in the air are normal, then we’d like to prove you wrong today. Our team provides specialized indoor air quality services that aim to target the problems in your air and eliminate them at their source. Whether it’s an air purifier in Bossier City, LA, or a dehumidifier to deal with the muggy summer air, our air quality solutions are unique in this field.

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Keep Things Up to Code This Year

Monday, February 1st, 2021

One of the most important aspects of commercial HVAC in Bossier City, LA is keeping things up to code. Between the state government, federal government, and our local municipality right here at home, there are a lot of things that need to be attended to. This isn’t just a matter of paying more money or saving money. These codes can cause your business to be shut down if they are not followed. This is why it’s so important, now more than ever, to invest in professional service performed by a team that works by the book.

We’re just going to give you a little glimpse today at the importance of this kind of service. We’ll talk about some aspects of your business and HVAC system that could be mishandled or faulty because your last professional wasn’t as experienced as they should have been.

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It’s Still Spring, So Don’t Delay With AC Maintenance

Monday, May 13th, 2019


Air conditioning maintenance can be done at any time of the year—but it makes the most sense and does the most good to have it done in the spring. That way, the air conditioning is tuned-up and repaired (if it needs repairs) right before the hot weather arrives. The timing couldn’t be better!

If you haven’t arranged for an AC maintenance appointment with an HVAC technician yet, please do it as soon as you can. Summer and the hot, humid weather is coming up fast.

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How Old Is “Too Old” for an Air Conditioning System?

Monday, November 12th, 2018

air-conditioning-scrapheapMaking upgrades or full replacements to your air conditioning system are good projects to schedule during fall and even winter. After all, you don’t often need the AC working during these seasons, so you can take time to plan for the best outcome and won’t have to worry about being without a cooling system while the work is done.

You may be considering putting in a new AC, but are uncertain because you don’t know if your current one is old enough to be considered too old. Below, we’ll look at some of the facts about air conditioning system age to help you think about a replacement. For the Bossier City, LA, air conditioning service from professionals that will make the choice much easier, you only have to call us.

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How the High-Efficiency AC Works So Efficiently

Monday, October 15th, 2018

air-conditioner-on-leavesIt’s October, so why are we writing a post about air conditioning? Because there is no better time than the fall to make significant upgrades to your HVAC system, whether it’s the heater or the AC. This is when you’ll find our expert technicians have extra time to help you with installing and maintaining equipment. If you believe your current AC just had its last productive summer of cooling, you’ll find it straightforward arranging for a replacement air conditioning in Bossier City, LA with our team.

We recommend you think about putting in a high-efficiency air conditioner. These systems can save significant amounts of money over their service lives, and most are better at providing even cooling around the house.

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September Is Great for HVAC Maintenance—Even If It’s Hot!

Monday, September 17th, 2018

calendar-scheduling-bookIt’s a warm, sometimes hot September we’re experiencing this year. It may seem odd to bring up the topic of home heating—not to mention a bit uncomfortable even to think about—but hot weather shouldn’t dissuade you from scheduling an important home heating service: regular professional maintenance.

In fact, warm weather is an ideal time to have this work done, because you won’t need to have the heating system running! You can relax while the HVAC pros take care of inspecting and tuning-up your home heater.

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My AC Is Running All the Time—What’s Wrong?

Monday, June 25th, 2018

air-conditioning-compressorWe may joke about how during our hot and humid Louisiana summers the air conditioners have to be running nonstop. Of course, there are cooler spells and evenings when ACs power down, and no air conditioner needs to power the compressor constantly to meet a home’s cooling demands. (At least, not if it was correctly sized for the space when it was installed.)

If you do notice that your air conditioner’s compressor is running constantly rather than cycling down as it’s supposed to, you may have a malfunctioning cooling system. Below we’re going to look at some of the reasons you’ve got a runaway air conditioner.

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Why Your AC May Overheat and Stop Working

Monday, June 11th, 2018

compressor-in-ac-unitYour air conditioning system works hard on hot days—that’s what it’s there for, after all! But even an air conditioning system can get too hot, causing its motors to trip the circuit breaker to the system. You can reset the breaker, but it’s likely to happen again and again and again. Not an inconvenience you want during the summer!

An air conditioner is designed to handle extremely hot days, but malfunctions can cause it to overheat and trip a breaker. We’re going to list the most common malfunctions that create this problem and what you can do to help prevent them.

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Do I Need a Dehumidifier When I Have an AC?

Monday, May 28th, 2018

flushed-man-before-fanIf you’ve lived through a summer here in Louisiana, you understand that humidity is a serious problem for comfort. Even mild warm days can feel like a blistering 90°F when the relative humidity level is high enough. The reason for this is that the higher moisture levels in the air trap heat inside the body, making it harder for it to release the excess heat through perspiring. Humidity causes other troubles as well: encouraging mold and mildew growth and causing water damage to surfaces.

But you have an air conditioner in your home, so that should take care of the humidity problem, right?

Well, not really. You may have heard that air conditioners are natural dehumidifiers, but there’s more to it than that.

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Summer Problems You’ll Avoid Thanks to Spring AC Maintenance

Monday, April 16th, 2018

service-markerWe always encourage our customers to schedule spring air conditioning maintenance with us. We don’t want to be a pest about this, but it is extremely important to have these inspections and tune-ups done each year before the big summer heat and humidity arrives. There are many reasons why air conditioning maintenance is such an important job, and we’re going to look at a few specific problems an AC that doesn’t have spring maintenance done might run into.

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