The New Year is the perfect time to set resolutions that prioritize your health and well-being. One resolution that often goes overlooked is improving the air quality in homes. We spend a significant amount of time indoors, and the quality of the air we breathe can have a profound impact on our health. A professional HVAC company like Hall’s can make a significant difference in your home’s IAQ. Here are several ways we can help you.
Hall's Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Air Filtration’
What Is the Best Air Filter and Air Purifier Combination?
Monday, February 5th, 2018
February isn’t too early to start thinking about the spring. The start of spring means allergy season, although it doesn’t always wait for the official first day of spring. It can strike as early as this month. As soon as the weather warms up a bit, pollen-bearing plants start to bloom and the pollen count spikes. That means sniffles, sneezes, asthma, and worse!
If you’re worried about allergy season, or about just staying healthy in general in your house, it’s a good idea to have indoor air quality improvements installed in your HVAC system. Air filters and air purifiers are the most common methods of removing allergens and other aggravating particles from circulating around a house. Usually, IAQ experts pair a filter with a purifier. Filters are a standard way of air cleaning, and they’re useful for almost any home. Since some smaller particles can work through a filter’s mesh, an air purifier serves as the second line of defense.
But there are many types and strengths of air filters, and just as there are many types of air purifiers. How do you find the best combination for great air quality in your home?
Should I Have an Air Purifier or an Air Filter Installed?
Monday, January 16th, 2017
Last week we addressed an important part of looking for an air filtration system: understanding their efficiency ratings. A quick re-cap for those who came in late: if a filter is put into a home’s HVAC system that is too efficient, it will impede airflow and end up putting immense strain on the blower, leading to high energy bills and a system shutdown.
We also briefly brought up another issue that we want to go into deeper today, which is using an air purifier as a way to eliminate smaller particles when an air filter powerful enough cannot be installed.
Understanding the Efficiency of Air Filters
Monday, January 9th, 2017
Winter is often the trouble time for homes when it comes to indoor air quality. A house needs proper insulation to keep heating systems from wasting energy because of drafts. But that also means stuffy air filled with plenty of unwanted particles swarming through the house. Air filters (not the filter in the HVAC system, which isn’t for air quality) are one of the best ways to solve this problem.
Here’s the tricky part, however: there is no such thing one-size-fits-all air filter. Air filters have different efficiencies, and going for the strongest efficiency you can find for air filters is a bad idea!