What You Can Expect During Your AC Maintenance This Spring

Monday, April 4th, 2016

It’s April, and spring is now fully underway. Last week we posted an important reminder about scheduling air conditioning maintenance so that your home’s cooling system will be prepared for the warm weather to come—especially when springs turns into summer. (And that time will be here before you know it!)

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It’s Spring: Time to Arrange for Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, March 28th, 2016

Spring has finally arrived, and although this doesn’t mean an automatic increase in outdoor temperatures, it’s the beginning of the climb toward summer weather. And that also means it’s the time to schedule the annual inspection and tune-up for your air conditioning system. Call our office today and ask about our Proactive Service Agreement that provides maintenance for your air conditioning system (as well as your heating system later in the year). The agreement comes with other benefits as well: speak to one of our team members today to learn more.

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How to Clean the Air Filter in Your Air Conditioning System

Monday, July 20th, 2015

One of the ways to keep your air conditioning bills down during the summer is to make sure that your AC always has a clean air filter. This filter isn’t designed to cleanse your home’s air; it protects the interior of the air conditioner from debris that enters through the return air ducts. As the air conditioner works during the summer months, the filter will collect dust and lint; eventually, it will become so clogged that it will choke off airflow and make the AC strain to work—and that means higher bills.

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Why Refrigerant Leaks Can Occur in Your Air Conditioning System

Monday, July 13th, 2015

Last week on our blog, we discussed the seriousness of refrigerant leaking from an air conditioning system. We’ll emphasize this once again: loss of refrigerant charge in an air conditioner is something that you must have professionals fix immediately! Your AC can’t run on a reduced charge because it is not designed to work that way.

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3 Ways You Can Save on Air Conditioning Costs during the Summer

Monday, June 29th, 2015

The cost of keeping a home cool during a long and humid summer in the Shreveport area can be quite high. However, the bills you’re currently paying may be higher than necessary. There are some ways that you can cut down on how much it costs you to operate your AC. We’ve listed a few below. If you need additional help, you can always give us a call—we’re glad to provide professional work that will see you have the most efficient AC possible.

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Why You Should Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance Now

Monday, June 1st, 2015

If you haven’t already had an annual maintenance visit for your air conditioning system from a professional, it’s time to pick up the phone and call a trusted HVAC contractor and schedule it. This is one of the most important items on a Spring “To Do” list, but early summer is still not too late to get it done—there are still plenty of hot days yet to come, and you want your air conditioner to be ready for them.

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