It’s March, and March means the start of spring… although not until later in the month. But we are already experiencing hotter weather here in the Shreveport area. The temperatures can go through major shifts during March, a month that is proverbially known for its unpredictability. (Does it enter like a lion and leave like a lamb, or is it the other way around?) You may still need your heating system in the coming weeks, but if you’re wondering if it’s time to consider scheduling air conditioning maintenance, the answer is a big “yes.”
Hall's Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioner Repair’
Is It Too Early to Think about Air Conditioning Maintenance?
Monday, March 6th, 2017
A Late-Season Air Conditioning Concern: Clogged Drain Line
Monday, September 7th, 2015
One of the serious problems that we deal with in the Shreveport area is high humidity. The excess moisture in our air can create problems for your air conditioning system, especially at this time of the year when the AC has already put in a lot of work keeping your home cooled down for the summer.
Why You Must Have Leaking Refrigerant in an AC Fixed Immediately
Monday, July 6th, 2015
The modern air conditioner is built to last for many years while experiencing only a minimum of malfunctions. But it is impossible to prevent all malfunctions, and one of the problems that can occur with a residential air conditioner is leaking refrigerant. Airborne chemicals in a house can contribute to spots of corrosion occurring along the refrigerant lines, leading to the high-pressure refrigerant gas escaping—often without any more outward sign aside from a slight hissing noise.