Ideally, you should schedule maintenance once every year for your air conditioner, or twice a year for your heat pump system. This would be the perfect way to answer this question if the world was a perfect place. But it’s not, and we know that. Not every homeowner can schedule maintenance every year, and for those on a tight budget, it’s more about learning why your AC requires maintenance. After all, maintenance saves money, but how?
Well, we’d like to talk a bit about what maintenance does and what can go wrong if you decide to skip AC maintenance in Shreveport, LA. No, your air conditioner isn’t likely to break down the moment you skip maintenance for a whole year or two, but things can get a bit more complicated when you do lapse your maintenance agreement. Let’s talk about what happens when you skip maintenance once, twice, or even 10 years in a row.
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Tags: AC Maintenance, Shreveport
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