Springtime Is AC Maintenance Time!

March 14th, 2022

Spring is finally here, which means the countdown begins until the hot temperatures reach our area. It’s time to take your air conditioner out of retirement and start giving it the pep talk it deserves! All jokes aside, anything you can do now to prepare for the heat of the summer is going to serve you well. Spring is the perfect time to get ceiling fans installed, your ducts repaired, and even AC maintenance in Shreveport, LA!

We’d like to use today as a reminder of how valuable and important maintenance services can be for your air conditioner. Not only will maintenance make you feel better after it’s performed, but you’ll also get to save money on avoided repairs, improved efficiency levels, and better system longevity!

So, let’s talk about maintenance and why you should schedule it today!

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A Crack in Your Heater Is a Big Deal

February 28th, 2022

When you notice a crack in one of your plates, or a crack in your drywall, you probably take note of it for a later project and go about your day. Cracks and schisms aren’t really that big of a deal in most situations. Sure, they’re not good, but they’re not catastrophic by any means, right? Well, sort of.

A crack in your heating system is going to be a different issue to approach. If it’s a crack in the metal casing, then it might not be the biggest deal in the world. However, if you’ve got a crack in your system’s heat exchanger, or in the combustion chamber, then you might be dealing with a subsequent carbon monoxide leak, or even smoke infiltration throughout your home.

Make sure you’ve got a team of expert professionals standing by to take a look at your HVAC system in Benton, LA if you think it’s cracked.

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3 Safety Tips for Your Detectors

February 14th, 2022

furnace-burners-smallIt shouldn’t be a secret that all homeowners with gas furnaces, or any appliances that use combustion, should have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Nowadays, you can even get both detectors combined into the same unit for added convenience. There’s really no reason why anyone should be fearful of a mishap in their gas furnaces, as long as they’ve got these detectors to help them and keep things safe.

Though, for anyone who might still be nervous about their detectors, this blog post is for you. Sometimes, horror stories in the news can make us anxious and call professionals for HVAC service in Elm Grove, LA. We’re here to alleviate some of these fears by giving you some great tips to improve the safety of your home and the condition of your detectors.

So, whether you’re an industry veteran or a newcomer to the scene, welcome! And let’s talk about detectors.

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Why Should You Call the Doctor of Home Comfort?

January 17th, 2022

There’s a very good reason that we’re considered the “doctor of home comfort” here in Louisianna. Any time you encounter a personal health problem, or some kind of family health problem, you the first thought in your mind should be to contact the hospital or your local doctor. Well, think of us as the doctor that can diagnose and heal your HVAC system.

This is the technical reason why you should call us. We’re an extremely professional, talented, and expertly-trained HVAC company in Elm Grove, LA. But that’s not the only reason you should call us.

Our team is full of fun and passionate individuals, we treat our customers like family, and we even offer an in-house training program to make sure that we’re on the cutting edge of technology and best practices. Keep reading to learn why we’re the number you should have plastered on your fridge for a call when something goes wrong!

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Why Moving Heat Is More Efficient Than Creating Heat

January 3rd, 2022

We all want to save energy nowadays. We’re becoming more concerned about the environment and we are looking for ways to reduce our energy bills each month.
One of the best ways to save energy is by adjusting the way you heat up your home. No matter where you live, there are certain times of the year that can get chilly. During these times, having a heater in your home can be a lifesaver.

Two of the most common components of HVAC system in Shreveport, LA are the heat pump and furnace. Both are suitable options to heat your home but there are key differences between the two.

Which option you choose depends on your preferences but if you are looking to save energy in your home, heat pumps are the better option. This is because heat pumps work by moving heat around your property, as opposed to generating a constant stream of new heat.

Here are some of the key differences between heat pumps and furnaces.

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Treat Yourself to Maintenance This Holiday Season

December 20th, 2021

What’s the point of a vacation? No, we’re seriously asking you this question. While vacations can be fun activities at a theme park, or maybe the exploration of a new travel destination that you’ve always wanted to see, they’re ultimately a break. A vacation signifies a break from your day-to-day schedule, the work that you do, and it means you get to enjoy your life a bit more fully.

Don’t worry, this tangent has a purpose! Think of heater maintenance in Benton, LA like buying yourself a vacation. You get the attentiveness and work of a trained professional while sitting back and relaxing. When you invest in maintenance, you’re statistically less likely to encounter problems and high utility bills in the future as a result.

Basically, with the context of how effective and great maintenance is for your life, we think it makes a perfect holiday present this year!

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3 Safety Tips for Your Restaurant Equipment

December 6th, 2021

If you’re a restaurant owner or a chef, there’s one priority that sits above all the others—and that’s safety. Restaurants can be shut down by the local municipality for not following strict safety guidelines, so it’s important that your restaurant soar above and beyond what’s required by keeping your establishment safe and secure.

How safe is your restaurant equipment in Shreveport, LA? Is your gas stove constantly leaking? Do you have fluctuations in temperature with your walk-in refrigerator to the point where food is starting to spoil? Is your air quality in shambles?

These are concerns that our team can specifically help you with. Our team helps businesses all throughout the area stay safe, comfortable, and run at peak performance. Let’s examine three safety tips that can increase the security of your establishment for your customers, guests, employees, and even yourself.

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3 Heat Pump Problems to Avoid

November 22nd, 2021

Heat pumps aren’t without their own unique problems that furnace owners might not be too familiar with. These systems operate similarly to air conditioning systems, but with some major caveats, so it can be a little tricky to determine when there’s a problem with the system. For anyone who might be a new heat pump owner, or someone who believes they have a heat pump problem but just isn’t sure about it, this blog can help you determine where the problem might be.

The three heat pump problems we’ve listed below are common among these kinds of systems. That being said, they still require professional heating repair in Benton, LA to accurately diagnose and fix them. With the help of a qualified professional and some best case practices like changing your air filter and unblocking your home’s vents, you can make sure that these problems are rarely seen in your home.

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Here Are 3 Signs That Point Toward a Failing Heater

November 8th, 2021

It’s that time of year again when we try to separate the homeowners who have struggling heaters from the homeowners who have heaters that are about to break down. While neither situation is a good one to be in, one is much better than the other. Finding the difference can be tricky, but it’s vital to anyone who is reading this that you figure out whether or not your heater needs a repair or a replacement.

Thankfully, we’re early enough in the season to really dive deep and do a thorough inspection on your system to figure this out. Our team provides heating repairs in Logansport, LA for systems that still have plenty of life left in them, but we want to be honest with everyone else.

If any of the following points sound familiar, or make you nervous about your heating system’s condition, then you might be in need of heating replacement services. We can do those too, just give us a call!

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The Major Problem With Commercial Electrical Failure

October 25th, 2021

Our team specializes in commercial restaurant equipment in Shreveport, LA because it’s a service that’s in high demand. Many restaurants in our area suffer from electrical failure or power outages, and they’re quickly coming to the realization that professional help is almost necessary.

Today, we’d like to talk about why a commercial electrical system failure could be such a huge problem with your restaurant. We’re not just talking about the expensive costs that come with a faulty electrical system or the customers that will be unhappy with flickering lights and a hand dryer that doesn’t work. We’re talking about a potential health and safety violation with refrigeration units and other systems that require precision temperature control.

Remember, if you have any questions about how your electrical systems should work in your Shreveport, LA establishment, feel free to call our team. We’re a reliable source of accurate information.

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