October means that—aside from planning your Halloween costume or your children’s Halloween costumes—you need to plan your heating needs for the approaching winter. Last week, we brought you a reminder about calling for a regular maintenance tune-up for your heating system. This week we’ll look at a bigger solution to future heating trouble: replacing an old gas furnace for a new unit.
Hall's Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Blog
It’s Fall: Time to Schedule That All-Important Heating Maintenance Visit!
October 5th, 2015
We are now fully into the fall season, with Halloween and Thanksgiving only a few short leaps away on the calendar. After that, we expect the cold weather to arrive. Is the heating system in your home ready to take on the challenge of the coming winter? The best way to make certain is to call for an HVAC professional to visit your home and give the heating system its annual inspection, cleaning, and tune-up. The process only takes about an hour, and the benefits are tremendous.
Frozen Daiquiri Machines and the History of the Daiquiri
September 28th, 2015
We offer a number of quality commercial refrigeration services, but probably no service we offer sounds more appealing than the installation, repair, and maintenance of frozen daiquiri machines. It’s hard to locate people who don’t find frozen daiquiris appealing. If you run an establishment that serves daiquiris, they’re probably one of your most popular items. It’s important that you have professionals handle any service for your machine to make sure that it provides the smoothest and best blended daiquiris possible.
An Air Conditioning System Isn’t Enough to Combat High Humidity
September 21st, 2015
The high heat is still with us here in the Shreveport area, even as we move into the latter half of September and the official start of the fall season. And along with that heat is the additional problem of humidity. The moisture in the air makes it more difficult for the human body to expel heat through perspiration, and then traps more heat in the body and makes the surrounding temperature feel hotter.
A Few Late Summer Air Conditioning Tips
September 14th, 2015
The summer is almost officially over on the calendar, although we can still expect some hot days ahead before the temperature cools down for the fall and winter. There are a few steps you can take to see that your air conditioning system is in the best shape for the close of the cooling season. We’ve listed some tips that will help you end the summer on a high note with your AC:
A Late-Season Air Conditioning Concern: Clogged Drain Line
September 7th, 2015
One of the serious problems that we deal with in the Shreveport area is high humidity. The excess moisture in our air can create problems for your air conditioning system, especially at this time of the year when the AC has already put in a lot of work keeping your home cooled down for the summer.
Do I Need to Change My HVAC System’s Air Filter Only Once a Year?
August 31st, 2015
There are many misconceptions, misunderstandings, and myths (the three “M”s) when it comes to home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Unfortunately, the Internet and the rapid swap of bad information through social media, mostly from “that guy” on your Facebook feed, continues to spread these three “M”s, and it’s difficult for knowledgeable people in the industry to squash them.
Do I Really Need Dryer Duct Cleaning?
August 24th, 2015
The clothes dryer in your home is a great labor- and time-saving device, making it easy to complete a load of laundry in a short span. The dryer does have some important maintenance needs, however, and ignoring them will endanger not only the appliance’s energy efficiency and your laundry… it can also endanger your home. The most important maintenance job your clothes dryer needs is for its duct to receive regular cleaning to remove the lint built up inside it.
Signs You Need Repairs for Your Commercial Air Conditioning
August 10th, 2015
The late days of summer can become uncomfortably hot in the Shreveport area. If you operate a business here, whether a restaurant, store, or office building, you must make sure that everyone inside it remains comfortable no matter how hot it gets outside. A commercial air conditioning system is a necessity to keep your employees and clientele happy. If anything threatens the operation of the air conditioner, you will need to arrange for repairs as soon as possible.
To help you detect that you have a malfunctioning AC in your business, we’ve listed a few of the warning signs to look out for: