It’s March, and March means the start of spring… although not until later in the month. But we are already experiencing hotter weather here in the Shreveport area. The temperatures can go through major shifts during March, a month that is proverbially known for its unpredictability. (Does it enter like a lion and leave like a lamb, or is it the other way around?) You may still need your heating system in the coming weeks, but if you’re wondering if it’s time to consider scheduling air conditioning maintenance, the answer is a big “yes.”
Hall's Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Blog
Is It Too Early to Think about Air Conditioning Maintenance?
March 6th, 2017
Atmospheric vs. Sealed Combustion Furnaces: What’s the Difference?
February 28th, 2017
The technology of heating and cooling a home is a field that’s always advancing. When it comes to furnaces, the new technology is designed to meet four goals:
- Making the furnace safer
- Increasing reliability and a reduction in repair issues
- Better indoor comfort
- Improving energy efficiency
Today we’re going to look at the sealed combustion furnace, which is an advance in furnace technology that hits all four of those goals. But first, we have to talk about atmospheric combustion furnaces, the older technology that sealed combustion furnaces aim to replace.
What Is the Big Difference Between How Electric and Gas Furnaces Run?
February 6th, 2017
To most people, a furnace is just a furnace. Regardless of the power supply that it uses, a furnace is a device that heats up, then heats up the air, and then sends that air through ductwork to the rooms.
You really don’t need to know much more than this. As long as you know to rely on professionals to take care of annual maintenance for your home’s furnace (make sure you do it every fall) and remember to regularly change the air filters, you can expect your furnace to put in years of great work keeping your family warm.
But a little knowledge can often help, especially when you’re thinking about getting a new furnace. So we’re going to look a bit closer into what makes electric furnaces and gas furnaces different. It’s more than just the type of energy they use!
We Recommend Wi-Fi Thermostats—Here’s Why
January 23rd, 2017
The poor thermostat! It’s often the most overlooked and neglected part of any home’s heating and cooling system, even though it’s one of its key components. After all, the thermostat is the control panel for the HVAC system, the place where a homeowner interacts with the air conditioning and heating. But since the thermostat is such an unassuming device, designed to blend in with the home décor, people often take it for granted.
But ignoring a home’s thermostat can mean trouble. An inferior thermostat will lead to poor comfort and increased energy waste. As we wrote about a few weeks ago on this blog, simply taking the time to properly adjust the thermostat during the year can help lower your energy bills. Imagine what a major thermostat technology upgrade can do!
Should I Have an Air Purifier or an Air Filter Installed?
January 16th, 2017
Last week we addressed an important part of looking for an air filtration system: understanding their efficiency ratings. A quick re-cap for those who came in late: if a filter is put into a home’s HVAC system that is too efficient, it will impede airflow and end up putting immense strain on the blower, leading to high energy bills and a system shutdown.
We also briefly brought up another issue that we want to go into deeper today, which is using an air purifier as a way to eliminate smaller particles when an air filter powerful enough cannot be installed.
Understanding the Efficiency of Air Filters
January 9th, 2017
Winter is often the trouble time for homes when it comes to indoor air quality. A house needs proper insulation to keep heating systems from wasting energy because of drafts. But that also means stuffy air filled with plenty of unwanted particles swarming through the house. Air filters (not the filter in the HVAC system, which isn’t for air quality) are one of the best ways to solve this problem.
Here’s the tricky part, however: there is no such thing one-size-fits-all air filter. Air filters have different efficiencies, and going for the strongest efficiency you can find for air filters is a bad idea!
Don’t Let Warm Weather Trick You: Schedule Heating Repairs!
January 2nd, 2017
We’ve been enjoying a warm stretch of weather here at the end of the year and the start of the new one. It’s been warm enough that it’s easy to think that you might not really need your heating system working in top shape.
But winter is far from over. The average low temperature in January is in the mid-30s, and you can expect that we’ll experience a few weeks of weather when heating systems will need to put in steady work. If you noticed trouble with your heater during December, you can’t afford to ignore it and hope the system will get through the rest of the season. Always schedule heating repairs as soon as you notice problems… no matter the time of year.
The Secret of Thermostat Settings in Winter
December 26th, 2016
Ways to Save Money with Energy-Efficient Appliances
December 19th, 2016
Commercial Kitchen Repairs: Why You Need Pros
December 12th, 2016
Are you the owner or operator of a commercial kitchen or a business that relies on a commercial kitchen? Then you already know how vital it is to have every piece of equipment in that kitchen working properly from day to day. This includes freezers, ice makers, ovens, ranges, grills, toasters, bun warmers, deep fryers… well, it’s a long list.
And when you have problems with one of these commercial kitchen appliances, who should you contact for the repair work? You could call on a conventional appliance repair service; they might be able to get the job done. But do you want to roll the dice on might when it comes to your business? We didn’t think so.