We just went through a hot couple of days here in Shreveport—that’s how it goes sometimes in September. Just because kids are going back to school doesn’t mean the weather of summer is suddenly over. Air conditioners are receiving a workout before they finally get to shut down for the change of seasons.
However, September is always a good month to start thinking about cooler weather and preparing to cope with it. That means arranging for maintenance for your furnace, boiler, or heat pump…
“Wait, my heat pump? My heat pump already had its regular maintenance this year. It was back in spring, right before the hot weather hit.”
If this is your reaction when hearing that a heat pump needs maintenance in fall, we understand the confusion. When people hear about getting their comfort system tuned-up, they’re told that it needs it once a year, in the season before it’s needed. That means in arranging for a fall heating tune-up and a spring air conditioning tune-up in Shreveport LA. But with a heat pump, it’s a bit different.
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Tags: heat pump maintenance, Shreveport
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