Don’t Make These Server Room Cooling Mistakes!

November 27th, 2017


This is NOT how you do it!

Most commercial offices today rely on a server room or computer room as the data hub for the computers and phones. It’s an essential space in the building, but one people rarely have to enter. Because of the large amount of heat the equipment in server rooms generate, special cooling is necessary to prevent overheating. Improper server room cooling can lead to massive data loss and expensive equipment failures that will bring a business to a halt.

How do you correctly provide server room cooling? You can start by avoiding these common mistakes.

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We Work with the Best Commercial Kitchen Equipment Brands

November 13th, 2017

gas-range-burnersIf you operate a commercial kitchen in the Shreveport area, you may have wondered where you can arrange for installation of new equipment or schedule service work for your current equipment. You don’t have to look far outside the area: we are one of the few companies in Shreveport who offers full commercial kitchen equipment services. We handle all types of appliances necessary for a wide range of commercial kitchen types. Whether you’re looking for fryers, steamers, charbroilers, gas ranges, toasters, or various accessories, we can accommodate you.

We’re committed to the highest level of quality with our services, and that means working with the finest brands in commercial equipment. Here are a few of the top brands we install and service:

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How to Shut Down Your AC at the End of the Season

October 30th, 2017

ice-on-acEventually, your air conditioning system is going to shut down for the rest of the year. The cold settles in for winter, and it won’t be until spring arrives that you’ll turn on your cooling system once more. But you can’t simply trust that your AC will leap to life next year, fresh from a winter nap and ready to get to work once more. Air conditioners don’t work that way! You’ll need to schedule maintenance for it in spring, the same way we encourage homeowners now to schedule maintenance for their heating systems.

And there are a few steps you can take now to help your AC shut down for the season and remain in good condition over its winter break. You can call on us if you need any other air conditioning service in Benton, LA or elsewhere in our service area.

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Are Your Commercial Refrigeration Appliances Up to the Task?

October 16th, 2017

wine-cooler-choosing-wineDo you run a business that depends in some fashion on a commercial refrigeration appliance? Or many commercial refrigeration appliances? From restaurants and bakeries to healthcare facilities, refrigeration appliances are essential for day to day operation—and it’s also essential that these appliances are capable of functioning correctly. They can’t just be “okay” at their job; precision performance is critical.

To ensure this precision performance for your commercial equipment, you must have a skilled professional takes care of the job of repairing appliances that aren’t doing their job, or replacing older ones with new units. Amateur work can put your establishment at risk, even potentially a health code violation. Experts in commercial refrigeration will protect you from such costly mistakes and give you important peace of mind each day.

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Benefits of a Furnace Tune-Up before Winter

October 2nd, 2017

removing-furnace-coverIt’s October and people are already planning Halloween parties and costumes. And, if they want to be prepared for the change in the weather, they should also be planning for maintenance for their heating systems. In our last post we put up a friendly reminder for homeowners who have heat pumps that they must have a fall maintenance visit as well as a spring one.

Today, we’re going to look at the most common type of home heating system, the furnace, and why scheduling a fall furnace tune-up in Shreveport, LA is vital. You definitely want this job done before the cold weather arrives, and that can sometimes strike before the official start of winter. When you sign up for our Proactive Service Agreement, you’ll receive a 16-point inspection on your furnace—and the same for your air conditioner in the spring.

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Have a Heat Pump? It Needs a Fall Tune-Up as Well

September 18th, 2017

heat-pump-unitWe just went through a hot couple of days here in Shreveport—that’s how it goes sometimes in September. Just because kids are going back to school doesn’t mean the weather of summer is suddenly over. Air conditioners are receiving a workout before they finally get to shut down for the change of seasons.

However, September is always a good month to start thinking about cooler weather and preparing to cope with it. That means arranging for maintenance for your furnace, boiler, or heat pump…

“Wait, my heat pump? My heat pump already had its regular maintenance this year. It was back in spring, right before the hot weather hit.”

If this is your reaction when hearing that a heat pump needs maintenance in fall, we understand the confusion. When people hear about getting their comfort system tuned-up, they’re told that it needs it once a year, in the season before it’s needed. That means in arranging for a fall heating tune-up and a spring air conditioning tune-up in Shreveport LA. But with a heat pump, it’s a bit different.

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Consider Going Ductless for Your Next AC Installation

September 4th, 2017

behold-a-ductless-mini-splitThe fall is an ideal time to take care of HVAC installations in your home, both heating and cooling. The period between the harshest weather of the year allows you to take stock of your home’s comfort needs without feeling rushed. It’s also a good time to take advantage of the slower schedules of HVAC professionals, who aren’t under the burden of handling numerous AC or heating emergency repair calls.

So as we wrap up another hot and humid summer here in Louisiana, we encourage you to think about whether it’s time to retire your current cooling system and have a new air conditioner installed. If you think that, yes, 2017 is the year when you have a new AC put in, then you might want to think about the possibility of going with a ductless air conditioning system. Our technicians are experienced with working with ductless mini split systems, and they’re glad to help you make the choice and take on the installation duties.

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What’s the Best Temperature for a Commercial Wine Refrigerator?

August 21st, 2017

thermometer-going-redOne of our specialties in the field of commercial services is installing, repairing, and maintaining commercial refrigeration equipment. Many businesses in the Shreveport area rely on refrigeration systems every day to operate. They are particularly important in food service industries, from large restaurants to small convenience stores.

If you operate a restaurant or bar where wine is important part of the menu—and an important part of your revenue—then having the right wine refrigeration equipment is essential. Wine is extremely sensitive to temperature changes, and a few degrees can make or break a quality wine with your customers. This is a place where you want precision and quality, and that’s why you should trust to our professionals for wine refrigerator services in Stonewall, LA.

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Why We Don’t Recommend Portable Dehumidifiers

August 7th, 2017

water-dropletsHumidity is often worse than the heat here in Louisiana. The high moisture levels in the air are like having an extra layer of clothing on: the moisture makes it harder for your body to release heat, and that extra heat trapped in your body makes the temperatures around you feel hotter than they are—sometimes as much as 8 to 10°F! The moisture can cause other troubles as well, from simple things like making it harder to dry off towels, to more serious issues like the growth of harmful molds in a home that lead to triggering allergies.

One of the best ways to deal with the high humidity of the summer is to use a dehumidifier. But if your first instinct is to go online and search for a portable dehumidifier (also known as a ­room dehumidifier), which can cost anywhere from $100 to almost $2000, we recommend you instead contact our technicians to arrange for a whole-house dehumidifier installation in Haughton, LA.

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Why Bad Ductwork Is Bad News for Your AC

July 24th, 2017

vent-cover-roomWe once did a post on how problems with ductwork can mean a spike in winter heating bills. But it’s not a problem that’s limited to the winter and times when you need your heating system working. The standard central air conditioner that uses ductwork (which is the majority of systems) can suffer from major issues if there are breaks, gaps, and other leaks in the ducts of the ventilation system.

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