A Reminder About Cracked Heat Exchangers in Furnaces

January 21st, 2019

furnace-oldWe’ve talked about this topic before, but it was a few years ago—and it’s one of the most important subjects to know about when it comes to home heating. Gas furnaces are the most common type of home heating systems, and cracked heat exchangers in gas furnaces are a major problem and serious potential safety hazard. Understanding the cracked heat exchanger can be a real lifesaver!

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Do You Have a Gas Furnace? A Few Things to Keep in Mind

January 7th, 2019

carbon-monoxide-detectorNow that we’ve settled into the winter, the heater in your home will work on a regular basis to provide comfort. Chances are high that the heating system you have installed is a gas furnace—the most popular type of home heating system in the country. A gas furnace is reliable and uses an inexpensive fuel to run.

However, to get the best and safest performance from your gas furnace, there are a few things to keep in mind.

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Service for the Honeywell Generator We Installed

December 24th, 2018

home-generatorWe’re proud to call ourselves “The Doctor of Home Comfort” for the area. Part of maintaining comfort for local homeowners now involves installing excellent whole-house generators from Honeywell. (We also install them for commercial buildings.) With a Honeywell Generator in Shreveport, LA for your house, you’re protected against a sudden power loss that would otherwise drop your house into the dark—and could mean serious trouble during extreme weather conditions because it would shut down your HVAC system as well. Honeywell Generators come in a wide range of sizes and capabilities, and they turn on automatically in case of a power loss—so you’re protected even if you aren’t home.

However, a generator is only useful for a house if it turns on when it needs to. If you can’t trust your generator—then it’s not much good! The whole point is to remove your worries about what happens if there’s an extended power blackout.

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Should I Call for Maintenance When My Heater’s in Trouble?

December 10th, 2018

furnace-repair-technicianOne of the most important jobs we do for homes is heating repair in Stonewall, LA. We’re the Doctor of Home Comfort for a good reason! When people have ailing heaters, they need cures for them right away, and we’re here to provide the cure. We offer 24-hour emergency service to ensure you have the help you need for comfort when you need it.

But repairing a heater is different from maintaining it. When you notice a heating system that’s doing strange things (weird noises, turning on and off at unusual times, emitting acrid odors, or not delivering the warmth levels you expect), you might think it’s time to have the system tuned-up with a maintenance visit. This isn’t a maintenance issue, however; it’s a repair issue.

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Does AC Repair Still Matter in November?

November 26th, 2018

Your air conditioner probably isn’t running right now, and you may not have to turn it back on except on occasional days for the foreseeable future. After all, it’s late autumn now and the official start of winter is less than a month away—this is what we in the HVAC business called the “heating season,” when furnaces and other heaters do the heaviest of their workload for the year.

But after saying all that, we still assert that air conditioning repair in Haughton, LA still matters, regardless of the season. We’ll explain further below.

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How Old Is “Too Old” for an Air Conditioning System?

November 12th, 2018

air-conditioning-scrapheapMaking upgrades or full replacements to your air conditioning system are good projects to schedule during fall and even winter. After all, you don’t often need the AC working during these seasons, so you can take time to plan for the best outcome and won’t have to worry about being without a cooling system while the work is done.

You may be considering putting in a new AC, but are uncertain because you don’t know if your current one is old enough to be considered too old. Below, we’ll look at some of the facts about air conditioning system age to help you think about a replacement. For the Bossier City, LA, air conditioning service from professionals that will make the choice much easier, you only have to call us.

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We Offer Service for Commercial Kitchen Equipment

October 29th, 2018

hand-holding-wrenchOur slogan is “Call the Doctor of Home Comfort!” But we’re much more than a residential heating and cooling company. We’re one of the few contractors in the area who offer service for commercial kitchen equipment. We handle all the different equipment and services that your restaurant, bar, cafeteria, or other food service company may need!

Our Natchitoches, LA commercial kitchen equipment includes extensive commercial refrigeration service as well. Whatever type of equipment you need to have installed, maintained, or repaired, you can trust to our team!

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How the High-Efficiency AC Works So Efficiently

October 15th, 2018

air-conditioner-on-leavesIt’s October, so why are we writing a post about air conditioning? Because there is no better time than the fall to make significant upgrades to your HVAC system, whether it’s the heater or the AC. This is when you’ll find our expert technicians have extra time to help you with installing and maintaining equipment. If you believe your current AC just had its last productive summer of cooling, you’ll find it straightforward arranging for a replacement air conditioning in Bossier City, LA with our team.

We recommend you think about putting in a high-efficiency air conditioner. These systems can save significant amounts of money over their service lives, and most are better at providing even cooling around the house.

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October May Not Let Up With Heat: Look Out for AC Problems

October 1st, 2018

autumn-backgroundThe Halloween Season is when we can expect the crisper, cooler weather to arrive. But there’s no guarantee we’ll experience this break from the heat all month long. The hot weather can linger far into the fall, so we can’t stress enough that you must keep a watch on your AC system during this period so you won’t end up with an emergency.

Air conditioner burn-out

We’ve addressed this is another recent post, but an air conditioner is at higher risk of failure at the end of the season. August is probably the worst time for this because the system is still running on an almost daily basis. But the stress and strain from all those months of operation are still around in October, so a hot day can end up pushing the system over the edge so it fails. There are times when this can happen without warning, but they’re rare. Usually, an air conditioner approaching a critical failure will show signs:

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September Is Great for HVAC Maintenance—Even If It’s Hot!

September 17th, 2018

calendar-scheduling-bookIt’s a warm, sometimes hot September we’re experiencing this year. It may seem odd to bring up the topic of home heating—not to mention a bit uncomfortable even to think about—but hot weather shouldn’t dissuade you from scheduling an important home heating service: regular professional maintenance.

In fact, warm weather is an ideal time to have this work done, because you won’t need to have the heating system running! You can relax while the HVAC pros take care of inspecting and tuning-up your home heater.

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