Oh No! An AC Breakdown! Here’s What to Do

August 1st, 2020

How’s your air conditioning in Shreveport? If you’re sitting pretty with a happy air conditioner then this blog post probably isn’t for you. However, if you’re pacing around your house with your hands on your head trying to figure out what to do about your broken-down air conditioner, then keep reading.

AC breakdowns can be one of the worst experiences to have. They rarely happen at convenient times. Temperatures can be scorching hot as your first line of defense against heat and humidity stops working. What do you do?

That’s where we can help. Professional HVAC technicians pride themselves on being able to repair air conditioners and provide long term solutions for homeowners that are struggling. If your AC breaks down, follow our step by step guide and make sure you give our team a call today!

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Defeat the Heat with These 3 Tips!

July 20th, 2020

Heat, our old nemesis. It returns year after year to plague us with high, humid temperatures. We do the best that we can to fight against the heat with our technology. Sometimes we win the battles and sometimes we lose. Thankfully, we’re the experts on this type of heat-warfare, and we can give you some sensible tips that will give you the edge!

Heat and humidity can be brutal here. HVAC in Shreveport is a service that’s almost necessary for so many homeowners. That’s why we’re in the best position to grant you some of the knowledge we’ve acquired over the years. If your air conditioner is struggling to cool your home day by day, then pay attention to everything we have to say.

These tips are bound to save you money on energy and keep your home cool.

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What Are Your AC Options?

July 6th, 2020

That’s a really good question. If you’re on the market for a new air conditioning system in our neck of the woods, then it’s an exciting time! Cooling technology has advanced far in the past two decades, and we are inundated with more and more options for unique home cooling appliances. So for anyone out there looking for AC installation in Shreveport, keep reading for some powerful cooling options.

Every home is different, which means we’re going to have to zero in on some of the more important aspects of your home comfort. From efficiency to affordability, the cooling system you decide on will need to make you happy on all fronts. Sound good?

Hopefully, by the end of this blog, you’ll have a clear picture in your head of what kind of AC system you’d like to purchase.

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5 AC Noises to Be Wary of

June 22nd, 2020

Air conditioners make noises sometimes, but they’re not normal. When we say “normal,” we mean that they’re not good, or they usually denote a problem that’s occurring somewhere deep inside the system. The difference here is that a normal noise is something that can be ignored, but any noise that’s coming from your air conditioner deserves to be investigated.

How do you feel about air conditioning repair in Shreveport? If you’re not in the mood to suffer am air conditioner breakdown on the hottest day of the year, then we highly advise you get your AC checked up if it’s making noises. If you’re skeptical, thinking your specific AC noise might not be a problem, then keep reading. We’ll list in detail many of the most common noises we address in air conditioners. If you see your system’s noise on this list, then do yourself a favor and call us!

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Why Ductless AC Might Be the Best for Your Home

June 8th, 2020

Ductless air conditioners aren’t just an additional cooling option for homeowners on the market for an air conditioner. In many cases, they’re the best option for homeowners who are on a strict budget and don’t want to purchase invasive ductwork, or who are looking to lower their energy bills substantially. While we urge homeowners to consider their options when it comes to air conditioning, the truth is that many people just don’t know what’s out there.

We’re writing this post to bring some information to those who might not know about ductless air conditioners or how they work. By informing you, we hope you can make the best choice for your home and comfort needs when you’re on the market for a system. Remember to call us, the doctors of home comfort, when you’re in need of a properly installed ductless AC in Shreveport, LA.

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Improve Your Air with an Air Purifier

May 25th, 2020

If there’s anything good to come out of the past few months, it’s that more and more people are starting to pay close attention to the health and safety of their indoor air. Staying indoors means it’s easier when we notice bad odors, sneezes and coughs that won’t go away, and other health effects that can appear from poor air quality. Luckily, you’ve got access to the tools and professionals to change that!

Signing up for a team to install an air purifier in Shreveport, LA means you’ve got more control over the quality of your indoor air. By eliminating harmful particles like mold spores, viruses, bacteria, and more—you’re essentially clearing the air in your ducts and the rest of your home of ways to get sick.

If that type of home air cleaning sounds good to you, then keep reading and remember to call our team today!

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Money Saving Tips from the Doctor of Home Comfort

May 11th, 2020

We’re called the “doctor of home comfort” here in Shreveport not just because we offer effective and affordable diagnostic services to your ailing HVAC system, but we’re also pretty nifty at helping you keep your HVAC system running longer for less money as well. Efficiency and affordability are tied together, and in order to improve one, it’s really necessary to work on the other.

So, today we’re going to talk about a few industry-specific money-saving tips that can be attributed to any homeowner’s situation. Regardless of whether or not you just bought your new air conditioner, or you’re having problems with an older one that’s starting to run your bills high, we can give you some helpful hints to make the process easier. That might range from scheduling AC maintenance in Shreveport, LA to replacing your thermostat.

The truth is that there are plenty of ways to save money when it comes to air conditioning.

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Is It Time to Repair or Replace Your AC?

April 27th, 2020

This really is the age-old question that we are asked time and time again—should your air conditioner be repaired or replaced? Some homeowners are firmly in the “repair” category where they’d love to keep their 20-year-old air conditioner running as long as humanly possible. Other homeowners want a replacement the moment they see something wrong since they think something was botched, to begin with.

The truth is every situation is different and sometimes you’ll need a repair, and other times the most cost-effective solution will be a replacement.

For those concerned with making this decision, we’ve put together a little bit of a guide to help steer you in the right direction. For any repair or AC replacement in Shreveport, LA just remember to contact our team of professionals if you need a second opinion.

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Why Not Switch to a Heat Pump?

April 13th, 2020

Heat pumps are excellent pieces of advanced technology that not enough homeowners in the Shreveport area know about. Sure, it can be easy to go out and purchase central air conditioning services because that’s what you’re used to—but what you’re used to isn’t necessarily always the best. If you haven’t heard of heat pump technology, then let us break it down for you so you’re more informed before you invest your money in a long term cooling solution.

Heat pumps in Shreveport, LA work exceptionally well because they function both as cooling and heating systems, run efficiently, and can be a customizable cooling approach for families that are tired of constantly changing their thermostat to meet their specific comfort goals. If you’re unsure as to how this technology works, or how an air conditioner can possibly function as a heater as well, then buckle up. We’ll show you the ropes.

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Get Your AC Repaired Before Summer

March 30th, 2020

Our air conditioners have been through a lot since last year. While they’ve been sitting outside, they’ve had to endure the cold temperatures, wet rain, and the harsh winds that we’ve been protected from. It can be hard to just turn on your AC system and realistically have it work perfectly without any professional help. That’s why we talk about air conditioning repair in Shreveport, LA before having it turned on for the summer.

The problems you were dealing with last summer are absolutely going to reoccur this summer, and we implore you to get them taken care of before they become an issue during our scorching summer days. By calling our team and addressing the AC repairs before summer, you’re actually getting a leg up and setting your system up for success.

So, let’s take a look at some of the problems that can be addressed and why AC repair in the spring is so vital.

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