Keep Customers Happy with Quality Commercial Refrigeration

December 21st, 2020

This year has been absolutely brutal on the restaurant industry. With restaurants functioning for almost a whole year at below half capacity, things have not gone the way you would’ve wanted if you’re a business owner in our area. We can understand the need to cut costs right now, and when it comes to restaurant equipment in Shreveport, LA, that need is probably higher than ever. However, cutting costs on commercial refrigeration technology is not the best place to do it.

It might seem like you’re saving money by using a hairdryer to melt the ice that’s forming on your walk-in refrigerator, but you’re not. In fact, you could be endangering your customers by serving food that’s not cooled to the correct temperature because you’re using faulty equipment. Don’t worry, take a deep breath … we can help!

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Choose the Right Generator for Your Home

December 7th, 2020

Attention all homeowners! What kind of generator do you have? If you’re struggling to answer this kind of question, or you didn’t even know there were different types of residential generators, then this is the blog post for you. We’re constantly trying to get our customers to think about their generators like they do their HVAC systems and upgrade them if they do a poor job.

So, if you’ve been struggling year after year with a loud, dangerous, and ineffective portable generator, then we think it’s time you called us. We’re the team that can professionally install state of the art Honeywell generators in Shreveport, LA that are sure to power your entire home.

Let’s talk about the benefits of a generator upgrade, and especially about what kinds of generators there are to invest in!

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Uh Oh, Perhaps You Should Get Your Heater Fixed!

November 23rd, 2020

Heater problems can occur out of the blue, and whether or not you’re expecting them, they’re always a hassle. We get it, we’re on the front lines dealing with these heater woes day after day, and there’s never a homeowner who is happy about a heater that’s malfunctioning. However, there are two kinds of homeowners who deal with heater issues—those who ignore them for as long as possible, and those who get them fixed quickly.

We’re not just trying to sell you our service. We’re also trying to sell you on the idea that fast, precision heating repair in Shreveport, LA can make all the difference when it really counts. By getting your heater repaired early, you’ll avoid worse repair needs down the line that could become an even bigger problem. Let’s discuss why.

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Time to Get Your Heater Ready!

November 9th, 2020

Louisianna hasn’t really needed heaters for the past few months. In fact, we’ve been heavily depending on our air conditioners to carry us through this scorching hot time full of storms and wind. But, as all Shreveport natives know, the heat will subside and people will start wearing their coats and wishing the warmer temperatures were back. Nights are going to get chilly, and you’re going to need your heater to work effectively.

So, how does that work? How can you make your heater work the way you want it to, before the chilly temperatures arrive? Sign up with for our services with either heater repair in Shreveport, LA or heater maintenance so we can deal with whatever problems exist head-on. Prevent disaster in the future and get your heater up to speed with our checklist down below and our helpful services.

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Clean Your Ducts for Better Indoor Air Quality

October 26th, 2020

Achieving perfect indoor air quality is not a one size fits all solution. There are many components to your HVAC system and your indoor air, and finding multiple solutions can sometimes be better than looking for that one air purifier or air filter that will make all the difference. These systems often work best when they work together.

And your air quality systems are always going to work with your air ducts. So if your ducts are in bad shape, then there’s not much a fancy new air purifier can do to help you. Our team offers duct cleaning in Shreveport, LA because there’s just no way around it—your ducts need to be cleaned so that your home can feel more comfortable and your HVAC systems can run efficiently.

Keep reading as we get into some reasons why duct cleaning is essential for your comfort.

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Save Money in the Long Run with Duct Repair

October 12th, 2020

Air ducts are rarely ever the focus of HVAC needs. It’s much more fun to think about your heater or your air conditioner, when in reality the ducts are responsible for whatever woes you might be dealing with. After all, how do you expect the heated air that’s created from your HVAC system to reach your rooms without the help of the air ducts?

Basically, duct repair in Shreveport, LA is an essential service that will save you money. You might not believe us right now, but we’re going to expand on these details down below. You can trust that we know what we’re talking about, since we see firsthand the energy loss, uncomfortable temperatures, and HVAC breakdowns that are the results of neglected air ducts. Keep reading and we promise you’ll want to look into your duct quality.

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5 Tips to Know About AC Installation

September 28th, 2020

Are you on the lookout for a new AC installation? Just because it’s fall here in Shreveport doesn’t mean you can’t use a new AC system to keep you comfortable for the next decade. Too many homeowners focus on one aspect of AC installation, the cost, and ignore everything else. We’re here to list at least five other important details to consider when you invest in a new system like this.

Air conditioning installation in Shreveport, LA is complicated. There are various different types of AC systems with their own SEER ratings and maintenance guidelines. We’re the team that can gently guide you to your next air conditioning system by giving you some groundwork to operate on. The more informed you are, the better a decision you’ll make when it comes to your AC needs.

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Does an Air Conditioner Dehumidify? Yes and No

September 14th, 2020

When it comes to this kind of question, it’s important that we’re 100% honest with you. Untrustworthy HVAC amateurs aren’t helpful when they tell you that an air conditioner removes all the problematic moisture from your home. Likewise, if they lie and say that air conditioners don’t dehumidify, then they’re not doing a very good job either. The answer, like most answers in life, is somewhere in the middle.

Air conditioners do naturally dehumidify your home, but they don’t do it as well as you might think. That’s exactly why anyone reliable who provides HVAC in Shreveport, LA also services dehumidifiers. Sometimes your air conditioner can work together with a dehumidification system that will ultimately keep your home a lot dryer and more energy-efficient than just one system working alone.

Don’t believe us? Keep reading as we get into why.

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4 AC Money Saving Tips

August 31st, 2020

Here in Shreveport, it’s important to take care of your air conditioner. Temperatures and relative humidity levels can get absurd and often our air conditioners are the first line of defense. They take care of us, keep us happy, and they make our lives easier.

However, when looking at taking care of your air conditioner, sometimes this can go hand in hand with saving money. There are best practices we urge customers to take part in that both keep expensive repairs at bay and increase the efficiency of an air conditioner. An efficient and well-maintained air conditioner will both last longer and cost less to operate. Make sense?

So, it’s time to stop neglecting your new air conditioning installation in Shreveport. Once you get in these habits of taking care of it, you’ll be better off for it.

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My Unit Doesn’t Cycle Off … What’s Wrong?

August 17th, 2020

Air conditioners work in cycles. Did you know that?

Each time the compressor pushes refrigerant through the system, it creates cooled air in what’s known as an air conditioner cycle. This cycle keeps all the parts working in order and allows for stress to be distributed equally among all the parts so that it doesn’t run into any problems. The moment this cycle is disturbed or cut off, some components may take damage or a lot of force that they shouldn’t have to. Just like when you slam on the breaks in a car that’s driving, eventually your breaks will give out and the stopping stress will cause other compounding issues to take place. Treat your air conditioner like you would a muscle car in your garage.

Luckily, our HVAC service in Shreveport can help you get to the bottom of your cycling problem. Give us a call and keep reading!

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