How a UV Air Purifier Can Help You

May 10th, 2021

UV air purifiers are awesome. We recommend them to homeowners all over the area because they’re so good at keeping homes safe and protected, while also not getting in the way. They’re not like portable air purifiers that need to sit in front of the TV, puffing gusts of air into your face. They instead lie stealthily in your air ducts to intercept any and all microorganisms that would seek to do you harm and eliminate them right under your nose.

However, there are some additional benefits to being the owner of a UV air purifier in Shreveport, LA. This whole blog post is dedicated to making sure all the homeowners out there are keenly aware of just how many exceptional benefits there are from investing in an air purification system.

Well, we won’t hold things up. Let’s get started and talk about why you might invest in an air purifier.

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Maintenance Should Be Yearly, Not “Sometimes”

April 26th, 2021

What would you say if someone told you to change the oil in your car “sometimes”? You’d be frustrated, right? This is pretty irresponsible because sometimes could be looked at by some car owners as every few years, which is way too long to go without changing your car’s oil. The same concept should be applied to your air conditioner.

AC maintenance should be yearly, full stop. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, they’re being irresponsible. Especially when people talk about how they only get AC maintenance in Shreveport, LA once every few years and their air conditioner is fine. This is either a fluke or they’re not telling the whole story.

Yearly maintenance is absolutely necessary for curbing repairs and efficiency problems. It will also extend the lifespan of your system. Anything less than yearly maintenance and you’re actively hurting your AC system. Here’s how:

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Don’t Panic About What’s in Your Air

April 12th, 2021

At this point, we can admit that it’s been hard not to panic about indoor air quality over the past year. With newfound knowledge about how viruses spread, mutate, and affect our lives, people have been scrambling to try and combat this growing threat. That being said, it’s important to look at the overall health of a home, and not just how well it keeps away viruses.

After all, no indoor air quality machine can replace washing your hands with soap and water, or wearing a mask at the grocery store.

So, if you’re already practicing some healthy activities like the ones we mentioned above, then we’ve got some helpful technology that could improve your home safety even more. When it comes to indoor air quality in Shreveport, LA, we’ve got everything you could possibly need.

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Forgot About That AC Issue Last Year? No Problem!

March 29th, 2021

We’d be lying if we told you that you should never be stressed out about a problem with your AC. Just like our cars, our homes, and other responsibilities in our lives, it can be stressful trying to keep everything in good condition and running smoothly. We talk to homeowners all the time who feel either guilty or stressed out about their air conditioner problems last year that never got addressed. Now that the temperatures are starting to warm up, those AC repair ghosts are coming back to haunt us!

Don’t worry. While it’s likely that you still require air conditioning repair in Shreveport, LA, your system might not have gotten much worse after waiting for the whole cold season. Regardless of what’s wrong with your air conditioner, we can absolutely fix it and get it running at 100%. You just need to call us.

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Two Repairs, One BIG Difference

March 15th, 2021

That big difference is more money in your pocket, but we need to actually explain how we got to this conclusion!

Imagine two different homes with similar heating repairs. One homeowner decides to search online for the cheapest prices for HVAC in Shreveport, LA to find perhaps a family friend or a local amateur. The other homeowner decides to go with our team for professional HVAC service. While these might seem like similar solutions, they’re actually different and will achieve different results.

Amateur service can be cheaper upfront. We won’t lie to you: it’s enticing when you see the price a local amateur or a family friend is willing to charge for your heater repair. But what you don’t pay upfront, you will pay years from now when you discover your heater was repaired improperly and that it’s been running inefficiently ever since!

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The Science Behind Air Purification

March 1st, 2021

Let’s face it, if you weren’t into air purification technology before, after a year like 2020 you probably are. Everyone at this point knows how viruses work, knows how air can be purified, and probably knows a thing or two about contracting an illness from person-to-person. With all this information floating around, it can feel hopeless when it comes to keeping your home and your family safe. But is it hopeless?

Absolutely not. Air purifiers are (and have always been) proven scientific methods of eliminating germs in a home’s HVAC system. Especially when it comes to UV air purifiers in Benton, LA, these units are specifically designed to eradicate viruses, bacteria, and mold spores.

If you’re confused as to how these systems might stop germs in their tracks, you’re not the only one. Keep reading as we get into the nitty-gritty of how an air purifier works.

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Our Specialized Air Quality Services

February 15th, 2021

When you get home after a long day working, or perhaps after you’ve been to the grocery store during this pandemic, it feels good to take a deep breath of clean, fresh air. Air that’s free of contaminants like germs, mold, and dust just feels better. Not every home feels like this, and we believe that’s a shame.

It doesn’t have to be this way for your home, or for many of the homes in our area. If you think dust and germs in the air are normal, then we’d like to prove you wrong today. Our team provides specialized indoor air quality services that aim to target the problems in your air and eliminate them at their source. Whether it’s an air purifier in Bossier City, LA, or a dehumidifier to deal with the muggy summer air, our air quality solutions are unique in this field.

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Keep Things Up to Code This Year

February 1st, 2021

One of the most important aspects of commercial HVAC in Bossier City, LA is keeping things up to code. Between the state government, federal government, and our local municipality right here at home, there are a lot of things that need to be attended to. This isn’t just a matter of paying more money or saving money. These codes can cause your business to be shut down if they are not followed. This is why it’s so important, now more than ever, to invest in professional service performed by a team that works by the book.

We’re just going to give you a little glimpse today at the importance of this kind of service. We’ll talk about some aspects of your business and HVAC system that could be mishandled or faulty because your last professional wasn’t as experienced as they should have been.

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Maintaining a Healthy Home: Our Two Tips

January 18th, 2021

Health is at the forefront of the news and our lives these days. We know that there’s a pandemic raging throughout our area, and we want to encourage homeowners to stay safe and keep their homes secure. Your home should be a sanctuary, free from any viruses, bacteria, or contaminants you might encounter elsewhere. Thankfully, we’ve got the solutions that can help you reach that goal.

Could your home use an air filtration system? How about an air purifier in Shreveport, LA? If so, then we can get you set up. If you’re one of the homeowners who don’t know exactly how these kinds of systems can help, then keep reading! We’ll go into the specifics about these two types of systems and talk about why they’re so vital to a home that’s plagued with indoor air contaminants.

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High Bills? Pressure Problems? Here’s What to Do

January 4th, 2021

Gas furnaces are not immune to problems that occur over time. In fact, when these kinds of systems are neglected, problems are inevitable. It’s a good idea every once in a while to take a walk through your basement and look at your heating system thoroughly. What is the pressure reading? How high are your heating bills? How comfortable is the air? How frequently are you calling for repairs?

If you’re not happy with the answers to these questions, then this is the blog post for you. Sometimes maintenance or heating repair in Benton, LA can be absolutely necessary for making sure your gas furnace’s pressure is correct and that it’s not burning too much fuel to keep you warm. Keep reading so we can help you cut wasted fuel, eliminate problems, and get your home to feel cozy and warm this January.

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