Make Your Furnace Last Longer with Furnace Maintenance

Monday, February 17th, 2020

We often get homeowners that schedule heater maintenance at the last minute when their system is on its way out. While we might be able to help then, we can help much more when you schedule yearly maintenance before problems start to arise. From day one when you buy your furnace, you should invest in a maintenance plan precisely because it can keep your system running for longer.

In light of this information, we thought it would be a good idea to talk about a few of the benefits that can come from furnace maintenance. When you decide to take the plunge and schedule an HVAC maintenance in Shreveport with one of our professionals, you’re giving yourself some leeway in regards to future repairs and the knowledge that your system is functioning as efficiently as possible.

So, let’s get started!

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What Can Go Wrong with a Heat Pump?

Monday, February 3rd, 2020

Heat pumps truly are a marvel of modern technology. They can both heat and cool your home at peak efficiency, while your furnace or air conditioner needs to function separately, each with separate pieces of technology. A heat pump can give you the peace of mind knowing that one system is taking care of all your HVAC needs while you focus on the more important things in life.

That being said, we’d be terrible HVAC experts if we weren’t honest with you about some of the problems that heat pump owners frequently run into. So, if you’re enjoying the comfort of your heat pump this winter and all of a sudden one day you’re in desperate need for heating repair in Shreveport, LA—then this blog post is for you!

So buckle up and let the Doctor of Home Comfort give you a lesson on what could be wrong with your heat pump!

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Save Big on a New Furnace

Monday, January 6th, 2020

We don’t talk often enough about rebates, tax credits, and other useful tools for our community in Shreveport to get the furnace work they require. The truth of the matter is, there are many reachable rebates supplied by the State of Louisiana in which homeowners are rewarded by purchasing an ENERGY STAR qualified model.

So, today we’re going to be taking a look at the many ways you can save on a specific brand or model of furnace for your home since these can be heavy investments and families aren’t always readily available to take the plunge. Instead of dreading furnace repair in Shreveport because of your ancient system that’s on the fritz, perhaps it’s a better decision to look into an affordable way to replace it with a new, more energy-efficient heating system.

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A Boiler Could Be Right for You

Monday, December 23rd, 2019

Boilers are incredibly powerful heating systems made to combat the cold climates in our country. While we might not experience terribly cold temperatures, we’re always looking for the most comfortable, affordable, and energy-efficient heating systems available. That’s why we’d like to talk about boilers.

When it comes to HVAC in Shreveport there’s no heater as durable and long-lasting as a boiler. They’re not as popular in our area, but they provide unique heating solutions for particular families and homes that no other heating system can complete. So, while some of you might skip on to check out a different heating system, those of you that are still left and curious to know how a boiler functions—let’s get down to business!

If you’ve made it this far, there could be some serious savings in it for you.

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Common Problems with an Aging Furnace

Monday, December 9th, 2019

i-have-a-headache-this-bigFurnaces don’t last forever. That being said, they last a pretty long time and often by the time our team is called, they’ve long passed the point of no return. While we wish there were easy clues to an aging furnace for homeowners in our area that don’t know much about them, it’s a little bit more complicated than that. Every aging furnace shows their age in a different way, and we’d like to provide a list of some common problems that signal your system is getting too old.

While heating repair in Shreveport, LA might be a great solution to this problem, it might not be the best solution. As furnaces get older, repairs get more expensive, parts get harder to find, and the system itself becomes more prone to repairs. While repairs could be cheap at the moment, a whole system replacement might be a more effective and efficient solution that will save you a lot more money in the long run.

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Is Your Thermostat Costing You Money?

Monday, November 25th, 2019

Thermostats are a necessary component of your heating and cooling system. While they might sit on your wall and feel like the remote to your television set, they provide a unique service that can be overlooked by many homeowners. Thermostats are in charge of being the human connection—the temperature regulator that sends the signal you program to the complicated machinery down in your basement. If you’re noticing that the thermostat numbers don’t match the heat or cooling that’s coming from your air ducts, there could be a major problem at hand.

While many homeowners would overlook a thermostat problem, we implore you to schedule HVAC maintenance in Shreveport if you’re experiencing a dissonance between the numbers displayed on your thermostat and what’s actually being produced by your heater. That and the fact that an older thermostat could be costing you money.

Don’t believe us? Keep reading!

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3 Fun Furnace Efficiency Tips

Monday, November 11th, 2019

That’s a tongue twister! After you’ve said that five times fast, listen up!

You’re probably gearing up for a chilly winter with your furnace, but you might not be ready for the heating bills that are about to come your way. Unfortunately, the price of comfort comes with purchasing the fuel that comes with the heat we love so much every winter. That being said, what if we told you there were some ways to lower the heating bill that you’re dreading?

Unless you’ve got a furnace that requires urgent heater repair in Shreveport, you could be in the perfect spot to start increasing the efficiency of your heating system. Whether it’s replacing the air filter or scheduling maintenance, we’ve got some tried and tested tips that can keep your furnace up to the task of heating your home reliably and affordably.

Keep reading if lower heating bills interest you!

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What Are the Benefits of Heater Maintenance?

Monday, October 28th, 2019

You’ve probably heard us talk about heater maintenance quite a lot in this blog, but you might not have been told what heater maintenance actually does. A technician doesn’t just come to shine a flashlight on your system and tell you that “It’s all good.” There is a thorough checklist involved, just like how a doctor gives you a thorough check-up every year!

So, heater maintenance is complicated but that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth it. Hopefully, in this blog post, we can describe the process of heater maintenance and talk about the unique benefits that a preventative maintenance plan gives you. It can save you money, give you peace of mind, and keep your heater running as safely, efficiently, and for as long as absolutely possible.

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Tips for Shutting Down a Furnace for the Season

Monday, April 29th, 2019

summer-vacation-dogWhen the last cold days of winter and early spring are in your rear-view mirror you probably won’t need to turn your furnace back on until fall comes again. In fact, we recommend you do either a partial or full shutdown of your furnace system once the weather forecast shows nothing but warm days for a long stretch to come. This is an easy way to lower your energy bills.

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Spring Is a Good Time for a Heating Upgrade

Monday, April 15th, 2019

tulips-in-springSpring is often a time of weird weather shifts, but the trend is toward warmer weather until the true summer heat settles in. You’ll use your home heating system less and less through April and May until it shuts off for a few months.

If you’ve been thinking about improving your home heating, spring is a good time to call professionals who know all about heating in Shreveport, LA.

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