Why Moving Heat Is More Efficient Than Creating Heat

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

We all want to save energy nowadays. We’re becoming more concerned about the environment and we are looking for ways to reduce our energy bills each month.
One of the best ways to save energy is by adjusting the way you heat up your home. No matter where you live, there are certain times of the year that can get chilly. During these times, having a heater in your home can be a lifesaver.

Two of the most common components of HVAC system in Shreveport, LA are the heat pump and furnace. Both are suitable options to heat your home but there are key differences between the two.

Which option you choose depends on your preferences but if you are looking to save energy in your home, heat pumps are the better option. This is because heat pumps work by moving heat around your property, as opposed to generating a constant stream of new heat.

Here are some of the key differences between heat pumps and furnaces.

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Treat Yourself to Maintenance This Holiday Season

Monday, December 20th, 2021

What’s the point of a vacation? No, we’re seriously asking you this question. While vacations can be fun activities at a theme park, or maybe the exploration of a new travel destination that you’ve always wanted to see, they’re ultimately a break. A vacation signifies a break from your day-to-day schedule, the work that you do, and it means you get to enjoy your life a bit more fully.

Don’t worry, this tangent has a purpose! Think of heater maintenance in Benton, LA like buying yourself a vacation. You get the attentiveness and work of a trained professional while sitting back and relaxing. When you invest in maintenance, you’re statistically less likely to encounter problems and high utility bills in the future as a result.

Basically, with the context of how effective and great maintenance is for your life, we think it makes a perfect holiday present this year!

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Here Are 3 Signs That Point Toward a Failing Heater

Monday, November 8th, 2021

It’s that time of year again when we try to separate the homeowners who have struggling heaters from the homeowners who have heaters that are about to break down. While neither situation is a good one to be in, one is much better than the other. Finding the difference can be tricky, but it’s vital to anyone who is reading this that you figure out whether or not your heater needs a repair or a replacement.

Thankfully, we’re early enough in the season to really dive deep and do a thorough inspection on your system to figure this out. Our team provides heating repairs in Logansport, LA for systems that still have plenty of life left in them, but we want to be honest with everyone else.

If any of the following points sound familiar, or make you nervous about your heating system’s condition, then you might be in need of heating replacement services. We can do those too, just give us a call!

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Will a Heat Pump Work for the Whole Year?

Monday, October 11th, 2021

While we might have a different answer for our northern neighbors who rely on more powerful heating systems, the answer to this question is simple for us. Yes! Your heat pump will provide adequate heating all year round in our neck of the woods.

Heat pumps rely on the temperature of the outdoor air as well as the cost of electricity. Your heat pump should be able to reliably provide your home with heat at a low enough cost to get you through the winter safely and comfortably. If it doesn’t, you might need to call the doctor of home comfort for HVAC service in Shreveport, LA.

Heat pump technology doesn’t have to be complicated! Let’s talk about why heat pumps are absolutely perfect for homeowners who are looking for an easy solution to their heating and cooling needs throughout the year.

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Get Your Heat Up to Speed

Monday, September 27th, 2021

While we’re still using our air conditioners to combat late-season hot temperatures, we know deep down that the heat will subside eventually. We might get a few months of amazing weather with clear skies and mild temperature readings, but before you know it, you’ll be in need of warmth. It can be easy to forget one system while we need the other so much, since we get used to the temperatures that come with each season!

Well, don’t worry. Getting your heater set up for the chilly months ahead isn’t that hard. We’ve got a little checklist for you to follow so that you’re prepared.

Don’t forget to get in touch with us for heating in Benton, LA. If there’s a repair that needs to be made, or if you’re ready to schedule maintenance, our team can support you while our schedule is still light.

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Two Repairs, One BIG Difference

Monday, March 15th, 2021

That big difference is more money in your pocket, but we need to actually explain how we got to this conclusion!

Imagine two different homes with similar heating repairs. One homeowner decides to search online for the cheapest prices for HVAC in Shreveport, LA to find perhaps a family friend or a local amateur. The other homeowner decides to go with our team for professional HVAC service. While these might seem like similar solutions, they’re actually different and will achieve different results.

Amateur service can be cheaper upfront. We won’t lie to you: it’s enticing when you see the price a local amateur or a family friend is willing to charge for your heater repair. But what you don’t pay upfront, you will pay years from now when you discover your heater was repaired improperly and that it’s been running inefficiently ever since!

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High Bills? Pressure Problems? Here’s What to Do

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Gas furnaces are not immune to problems that occur over time. In fact, when these kinds of systems are neglected, problems are inevitable. It’s a good idea every once in a while to take a walk through your basement and look at your heating system thoroughly. What is the pressure reading? How high are your heating bills? How comfortable is the air? How frequently are you calling for repairs?

If you’re not happy with the answers to these questions, then this is the blog post for you. Sometimes maintenance or heating repair in Benton, LA can be absolutely necessary for making sure your gas furnace’s pressure is correct and that it’s not burning too much fuel to keep you warm. Keep reading so we can help you cut wasted fuel, eliminate problems, and get your home to feel cozy and warm this January.

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Uh Oh, Perhaps You Should Get Your Heater Fixed!

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Heater problems can occur out of the blue, and whether or not you’re expecting them, they’re always a hassle. We get it, we’re on the front lines dealing with these heater woes day after day, and there’s never a homeowner who is happy about a heater that’s malfunctioning. However, there are two kinds of homeowners who deal with heater issues—those who ignore them for as long as possible, and those who get them fixed quickly.

We’re not just trying to sell you our service. We’re also trying to sell you on the idea that fast, precision heating repair in Shreveport, LA can make all the difference when it really counts. By getting your heater repaired early, you’ll avoid worse repair needs down the line that could become an even bigger problem. Let’s discuss why.

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Time to Get Your Heater Ready!

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Louisianna hasn’t really needed heaters for the past few months. In fact, we’ve been heavily depending on our air conditioners to carry us through this scorching hot time full of storms and wind. But, as all Shreveport natives know, the heat will subside and people will start wearing their coats and wishing the warmer temperatures were back. Nights are going to get chilly, and you’re going to need your heater to work effectively.

So, how does that work? How can you make your heater work the way you want it to, before the chilly temperatures arrive? Sign up with for our services with either heater repair in Shreveport, LA or heater maintenance so we can deal with whatever problems exist head-on. Prevent disaster in the future and get your heater up to speed with our checklist down below and our helpful services.

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Save Money in the Long Run with Duct Repair

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Air ducts are rarely ever the focus of HVAC needs. It’s much more fun to think about your heater or your air conditioner, when in reality the ducts are responsible for whatever woes you might be dealing with. After all, how do you expect the heated air that’s created from your HVAC system to reach your rooms without the help of the air ducts?

Basically, duct repair in Shreveport, LA is an essential service that will save you money. You might not believe us right now, but we’re going to expand on these details down below. You can trust that we know what we’re talking about, since we see firsthand the energy loss, uncomfortable temperatures, and HVAC breakdowns that are the results of neglected air ducts. Keep reading and we promise you’ll want to look into your duct quality.

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