Is Your Furnace Ready for the Holidays?

Monday, November 20th, 2023


The warmth of the holidays begins at home, and a well-maintained furnace is your ticket to comfort during the winter months. As the holiday season approaches, the last thing you want is for your furnace to leave you out in the cold, forcing you to desperately call for furnace repair in Shreveport, LA at the least convenient time. In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, don’t overlook the heart of your winter sanctuary: ensuring your furnace is in top-notch condition is crucial for a cozy and stress-free winter. 

Let’s delve into the essentials to keep your furnace running smoothly, saving you from unexpected chilly surprises. In this guide, we’ll explore key maintenance tips, thermostat wisdom, the importance of clean air filters, and when it might be time to bid farewell to an aging furnace. 

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How Ductless Heating Can Save You Money

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Ductless HVAC systems are less common than traditional heaters that have ductwork and air vents. However, ductless units are gaining popularity among homeowners who are looking for more energy-efficient, flexible heating and cooling options. 

Ductless heating and cooling can save you as much as 40% on your energy bills compared to a forced air system. Learn more about ductless heating in Shreveport, LA, and how this type of system can save you money. 

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Is Your Furnace Ready for Next Year? Here’s How to Find Out

Monday, February 27th, 2023

Winter is winding down and you may not even be thinking about the next winter season, but when it comes to your furnace, you should be. You want to make sure that your furnace is ready for the next winter so that you’re not faced with any surprise repair needs or breakdowns later on. 

A great way to prepare for the next season is by investing in furnace service in Shreveport, LA, so our team can help make sure it’ll be ready come next winter. Keep reading to learn more about what you can do to make sure you have no unwanted heater surprises in the next heating season. 

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How to Protect Your Family Against Heat Exchanger Cracks

Monday, January 16th, 2023

You may have heard about cracked heat exchangers before. If you have a furnace, this is definitely a problem that you want to prevent. Replacing a cracked heat exchanger can be expensive, and it can be a hassle too.

The good news is, there are steps that you can take to protect your furnace and heat exchanger. But if you suspect that something is wrong, you may need to invest in heating repair in Shreveport, LA. If you have doubts about your furnace, you are always welcome to give us a call. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about how to take care of your furnace and prevent a cracked heat exchanger.

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These 3 Signs Mean You Need Heater Service Now

Monday, December 19th, 2022

There are two types of heater service needs. The first is fairly basic. You either need to schedule annual heater maintenance or you suspect something may be wrong with your heater. Either way, your heater is still running and keeping your home comfortable. 

The second is an emergency. Your heater stopped working or is on the brink of collapse. It may be making unusual sounds or it may smell bad. If your heater is still working, you’ve likely turned it off because whatever is wrong concerns you. When this happens, it’s definitely time for heater service in Shreveport, LA. Learn the top 3 signs that it’s time to call us for service ASAP! 

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Tips for Boosting Heater Efficiency

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Temperatures are dropping with no end in sight! Warm sweaters that we enjoy in fall are being replaced by heavy coats, scarves, and gloves. Soon you’ll be increasing the temperature on your heater in an effort to keep the cold out of your comfortable home. But increasing the temperature isn’t your only option for keeping your home warm and cozy. 

There are many ways that you can boost your heater’s efficiency this winter season. One way is by scheduling a heater service for our team to come out and inspect your heater. We can ensure that there are no repair needs or potential problems that need to be addressed. But you can also take steps yourself to improve your heater’s efficiency. 

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What Actually Happens During Heater Maintenance?

Monday, November 7th, 2022


Living in the south means that we don’t have to worry as much about super cold temperatures, but we still have to use our heaters in the winter. While you may not use your heater as much as someone who lives up north, you still want it to work right every time you turn it on. That means investing in heater maintenance. 

You may think that your heater doesn’t take on as much wear and tear because you don’t use it heavily, but that’s not true. All the components are still working to heat your home. If you’ve never invested in heating maintenance, there has never been a better time. Schedule your heating maintenance appointment today. Then keep reading to learn more about what our team does during heater maintenance appointments. 

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Benefits of Professional Heating Maintenance

Monday, September 26th, 2022

It’s almost time to turn on your heater for the first time during the fall and winter months. And when you turn on your heater that first time, you want it to work perfectly. If you had regularly scheduled heating maintenance at the end of the last heating season, you don’t have much to worry about.

If you didn’t have heating maintenance done, you may be surprised by repair needs this season. And if not this season, then a few seasons from now. There are many benefits to professional heating maintenance, and our team can help. In fact, we’re outlining the top five things you might be missing out on if you’re skipping out on heater maintenance each year.

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A Crack in Your Heater Is a Big Deal

Monday, February 28th, 2022

When you notice a crack in one of your plates, or a crack in your drywall, you probably take note of it for a later project and go about your day. Cracks and schisms aren’t really that big of a deal in most situations. Sure, they’re not good, but they’re not catastrophic by any means, right? Well, sort of.

A crack in your heating system is going to be a different issue to approach. If it’s a crack in the metal casing, then it might not be the biggest deal in the world. However, if you’ve got a crack in your system’s heat exchanger, or in the combustion chamber, then you might be dealing with a subsequent carbon monoxide leak, or even smoke infiltration throughout your home.

Make sure you’ve got a team of expert professionals standing by to take a look at your HVAC system in Benton, LA if you think it’s cracked.

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3 Safety Tips for Your Detectors

Monday, February 14th, 2022

furnace-burners-smallIt shouldn’t be a secret that all homeowners with gas furnaces, or any appliances that use combustion, should have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Nowadays, you can even get both detectors combined into the same unit for added convenience. There’s really no reason why anyone should be fearful of a mishap in their gas furnaces, as long as they’ve got these detectors to help them and keep things safe.

Though, for anyone who might still be nervous about their detectors, this blog post is for you. Sometimes, horror stories in the news can make us anxious and call professionals for HVAC service in Elm Grove, LA. We’re here to alleviate some of these fears by giving you some great tips to improve the safety of your home and the condition of your detectors.

So, whether you’re an industry veteran or a newcomer to the scene, welcome! And let’s talk about detectors.

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