The Top Benefits of Installing a Whole-House Generator

Monday, December 2nd, 2024


We know how unpredictable the weather can be and how essential a reliable power supply is for your comfort and safety. A whole-house generator is more than just a backup plan—it’s a long-term investment in your home’s functionality and your family’s peace of mind. Below, we’ll explore the top benefits of generators in Shreveport, LA and why installing one is a decision you won’t regret.

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Signs You Need to Have Your Generator Repaired

Monday, December 18th, 2023


In the realm of emergency preparedness, a reliable generator can be a lifeline, providing power when you need it the most. However, even the most robust generators can experience wear and tear over time. Recognizing the signs that indicate your generator is in need of repair is crucial for maintaining its efficiency and ensuring it’s ready to kick into action when necessary.

We offer full generator service in Shreveport, LA, and below we’ve listed some of the way to tell it’s time to call us for repairs.

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Is Your Generator Ready for the Winter?

Monday, November 6th, 2023


As winter approaches, ensuring that your whole-house generator is ready for the challenges that come with colder temperatures is crucial. If you haven;t invested in a generator yet, now is the perfect time to consider it. At Hall’s, we work on all models of whole-house generators and automatic standby generators, but we highly recommend Honeywell generators for their reliability and efficiency. When you’re getting ready to face the coming winter, look to us for generator service in Shreveport, LA. Below, we’ll look at how to check to see if your generator is ready to handle the coming winter.

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Why Schedule Generator Maintenance

Monday, May 22nd, 2023


If you have a whole house generator installed, you want it to work great the first time it turns on every time. A power outage is not the moment you want to find out your generator has something wrong with it. That’s why scheduling annual maintenance is so crucial.

The good news is, our team offers generator service in Shreveport, LA. We can complete a thorough inspection of your generator and make sure that everything is working as it should. Keep reading to learn more about the three main benefits of generator maintenance and why you want to schedule your appointment now, ahead of hurricane season.

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How to Know if Your Generator is Ready for the Next Blackout

Monday, March 27th, 2023


You invested in a generator so that when you lose power, you don’t see an interruption in service for your appliances and lights. But your standby generator can go months and years without ever needing to be used. So how do you really know if your generator is ready for the next blackout?

Ideally, you want to schedule an appointment annually for generator services in Shreveport, LA, whether you’ve used your generator or not. We’ll run a full system check to make sure that your whole house generator is in great shape. It’s the way to ensure that your generator is ready for anything. Otherwise, you run the risk that you don’t find out something is wrong with your generator until a power outage actually happens. Keep reading for a checklist of things that you can review regularly to ensure that your generator is always ready for a blackout.

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Should You Have a Whole-Home Generator Installed?

Monday, September 12th, 2022

home-generatorA whole house generator is one of those things that you hope you never have to use. But when you do need it, you sure are glad that it’s available. Many homeowners choose to forego a whole house generator and choose a portable one instead. It may seem like a great compromise, but when your power goes out in the middle of a storm, you don’t want to pick between using a portable generator on your refrigerator or your air conditioning. 

If you want to learn more about generator services in Shreveport, LA, give our team a call. We can answer your questions and offer a solution that best fits your family’s needs. If a portable generator is your choice, awesome! But before you make a decision, it’s important to understand the benefits of a whole house generator. 

This system allows you to power up all the important components of your household, from your water heater and refrigerator to your HVAC systems and even your electronic devices and medical equipment if needed. Read on as we uncover 4 main benefits of investing in a whole-home generator.

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Now Is the Best Time for Generator Installation

Monday, September 13th, 2021

We’ve all been acutely aware of the news. Catastrophic weather events have been all over the place this year. Massive tropical storms hit the north, hurricanes knocked out power in the south, and it’s becoming clear that generators in Shreveport, LA are even more important than they used to be. As long as it can remain safe and secure from floodwaters or other hazards, it’s the perfect line of defense against power outages and uncomfortable temperatures.

Today, we’d like to talk about why generator services are so valuable these days, and why now might be the best time for a generator installation. If you’re looking to have your food not spoil, your emergency devices charged, and your lights remain on in the event of the next hurricane or weather catastrophe, then let’s get in touch. We can set you up with a whole-house, standby generator.

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Choose the Right Generator for Your Home

Monday, December 7th, 2020

Attention all homeowners! What kind of generator do you have? If you’re struggling to answer this kind of question, or you didn’t even know there were different types of residential generators, then this is the blog post for you. We’re constantly trying to get our customers to think about their generators like they do their HVAC systems and upgrade them if they do a poor job.

So, if you’ve been struggling year after year with a loud, dangerous, and ineffective portable generator, then we think it’s time you called us. We’re the team that can professionally install state of the art Honeywell generators in Shreveport, LA that are sure to power your entire home.

Let’s talk about the benefits of a generator upgrade, and especially about what kinds of generators there are to invest in!

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