Beat the Heat With Our Help

Monday, August 15th, 2022

It’s time folks, we’re officially at the hottest part of the summer. Every day prompts a look at the weather report to see just how hot it will get, how humid it might be, and whether or not you’re even going to be able to participate in some of the outdoor activities that you enjoy so much. This is just a reality of our area, and it’s something that we get used to after a while–thanks to our air conditioning systems.

However, this is the moment of truth where our AC units might buckle under the pressure. Needing AC repairs in Shreveport, LA can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially with heatwaves on their way. For the next month, you can relax knowing that our team is ready and waiting to help any customers in the area with repairs.

Your main priority is to stay safe, cool, and calm!

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3 Rules for AC Replacement

Monday, August 1st, 2022

Have you ever been frustrated with the state of your air conditioner? It’s not too old to replace, but it’s not working the greatest. Plus, if you’ve been confronted with an expensive AC repair, it can be a nightmare to try and figure out if it’s time to replace the system entirely or if you should pay to get it fixed. This is what this blog is for!

Firstly, a trained professional will always be able to give you a great opinion on whether you should invest in AC repair in Shreveport, LA. That should be your first source of information.

Then, keep reading our blog post and do some research on your own. These rules are tips to help you decide if a repair on your air conditioning unit is worth the cost, or if you should replace the unit and install a cost-effective new system.

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When Is Your AC Problem an Emergency?

Monday, July 18th, 2022

two-techs-working-on-ac-unitWhen you’re in the middle of a hot and sweltering summer, the last thing you need is a major problem like a broken-down air conditioner falling in your lap. And a broken AC system definitely counts as a “major problem” with the summer weather we experience. If your air conditioner isn’t providing the level of comfort your home requires, it’s probably time to call us for AC repair in Shreveport, LA.

But how do you know when you have a standard AC repair need on your hands that can wait for normal business hours or a true cooling system emergency? We’ll answer this below! Read on, and whether you need emergency repairs or your service need can wait, be sure to trust our team for your needs.

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How Long Can You Wait Between Maintenance Appointments?

Monday, July 4th, 2022

Ideally, you should schedule maintenance once every year for your air conditioner, or twice a year for your heat pump system. This would be the perfect way to answer this question if the world was a perfect place. But it’s not, and we know that. Not every homeowner can schedule maintenance every year, and for those on a tight budget, it’s more about learning why your AC requires maintenance. After all, maintenance saves money, but how?

Well, we’d like to talk a bit about what maintenance does and what can go wrong if you decide to skip AC maintenance in Shreveport, LA. No, your air conditioner isn’t likely to break down the moment you skip maintenance for a whole year or two, but things can get a bit more complicated when you do lapse your maintenance agreement. Let’s talk about what happens when you skip maintenance once, twice, or even 10 years in a row.

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The Doctor of Home Comfort’s FAQ

Monday, June 20th, 2022

We’ve been telling customers that we’re the “doctor of home comfort,” which is something we pride ourselves in being. However, we think it’s clear that in order for us to fully feel like your HVAC doctor, we need to also be ready to answer any questions you might have about your comfort technology. This blog post is all about some questions that you might have as an air conditioner owner, and it should serve as a reminder of why a professional HVAC technician is such a valuable resource.

Don’t worry, there are no bad questions! If you have a question that needs to be answered, but you don’t see it on this list, you can always call our team for support. We’re your team of experts, and we can help with any additional air conditioning services in Benton, LA that are required.

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3 New Trends in the HVAC Industry

Monday, June 6th, 2022

The HVAC industry is full of new technology and best practices. Every year we’re getting updates from our suppliers about newer, more convenient, and more efficient air conditioning systems that are coming to the market, so we understand how hard it can be to stay up to date as a homeowner. In fact, that’s why we have this blog in the first place so that we can help update our customers on new trends in the market, best practices to keep your system in good condition, and great deals to take advantage of.

Now you’re probably wondering about some of these trends. Down below, we’ve gone into detail about 3 very real trends that this market is taking when it comes to air conditioning in Shreveport, LA. By reading on and learning about some of these technological trends, you might stay ahead of the curve and save some money when you encounter a bump in the road.

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5 Reasons You Might Want to Replace Your AC

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

Air conditioners don’t last forever. This is just a hard rule of the world. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a central AC system, a heat pump, or some alien technology that was beamed into your house from a spaceship–it’s just not going to last forever! All jokes aside, there’s a time and a place for figuring out when your AC system needs replacement, and our team is devoted to informing our customers so they can make the best decisions for themselves and their families.

So, when might you want to invest in AC replacement in Shreveport? That’s what this blog post is here to answer! We’re going to mention some of the top reasons why a homeowner might need to replace their air conditioner, and we’ll link to our Contact Us page below it, so you can schedule an appointment with one of our technicians today!

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Are AC Systems Designed for Humidity?

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Air conditioners are, in fact, built to combat humidity. But the answer to this kind of question just isn’t that simple. Air conditioners rely on many different measurements and factors to be considered efficient, and depending on the amount of humidity your home receives, and the volume of space in your home, it might be important to consider a dehumidifier.

Don’t worry, this isn’t a secret blog post to sell you dehumidifiers. In fact, if you don’t need a dehumidifier, then we’d consider you pretty lucky! But we recommend all homeowners consider whether or not their air conditioning in Shreveport is designed for combatting high levels of humidity, or if they need to invest in a system that supports the influx of humidity.

The combination of humidity and heat can contribute heavily to your yearly discomfort. Let’s figure out the right solution for your home when it comes to staying cool and comfortable.

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Why We Use Refrigerant and Not Water

Monday, April 25th, 2022

The more you learn about your air conditioning system, the more likely you are to be a responsible owner of it. This goes with anything, a home, a pet, or even a car! That’s why we’re on a mission today to help customers learn about their HVAC systems so they can better understand the importance of both proper care and professional maintenance.

Getting AC repair in Shreveport, LA isn’t always simple, and the materials that are required can be intricate. Refrigerant leaks are a common occurrence, and we’re one of the best teams to get in touch with when you need a patch and recharge of your refrigerant line.

Today we’d like to dive into one of the more fascinating questions of AC technology, and something that many homeowners have wondered in the past. Why do we use refrigerant chemicals and not water? Keep reading to get the answer!

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Why Is My AC Grinding?

Monday, April 11th, 2022

Grinding is never a good noise to hear. In fact, it’s one of the worst noises to hear! Not only is it so jarring and upsetting that it can completely and abruptly stop any conversation, but it also means that something is wearing down the internal components of your system. A grinding noise is usually made by two metal objects rubbing against each other and creating friction. Without proper lubricant or repairs, it’s just going to get worse.

This blog post is dedicated to troubleshooting your grinding air conditioner. We’ll talk about why this sound might come up, what it means, and why it’s so important that you call our team for AC repair in Shreveport, LA. We’ll diagnose your system properly and fix it in record time. Don’t let your system get worse, especially with summertime only a few months away!

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