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3 Safety Tips for Your Detectors

furnace-burners-smallIt shouldn’t be a secret that all homeowners with gas furnaces, or any appliances that use combustion, should have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Nowadays, you can even get both detectors combined into the same unit for added convenience. There’s really no reason why anyone should be fearful of a mishap in their gas furnaces, as long as they’ve got these detectors to help them and keep things safe.

Though, for anyone who might still be nervous about their detectors, this blog post is for you. Sometimes, horror stories in the news can make us anxious and call professionals for HVAC service in Elm Grove, LA. We’re here to alleviate some of these fears by giving you some great tips to improve the safety of your home and the condition of your detectors.

So, whether you’re an industry veteran or a newcomer to the scene, welcome! And let’s talk about detectors.

1. Place Detectors In Strategic Locations

First of all, detectors can only function when they’ve got the space necessary to inspect your home’s air. This means that placing a detector in the corner of a room that’s distant from the end of your home with the gas-burning appliances is going to hurt its ability to sense particles in the air. Your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should be able to detect these contaminants in the air of your home pretty easily, and the further away they are from these appliances and systems, the longer it will take for them to alert you to a serious issue. It’s a good idea to make sure they are placed in the right strategic locations to detect whenever contaminants might be afoot.

2. Change Out the Batteries Regularly

We understand that the chirping of a smoke or carbon monoxide detector can be annoying. It’s a punchline in a lot of comedy movies for this very reason. However, that chirping exists for a reason!

A chirping detector signifies that it needs a battery replacement. And, depending on what your system’s manual says, you’ll need to go about changing the battery to ensure it keeps operating effectively. Detectors draw minimal power, so they don’t use battery power that much and can easily last the whole year after just one replacement.

If you need help changing the battery on your detector, or you’re unsure as to how to go about this process, don’t hesitate to call our team for support.

3. Give Them Space

Detectors can monitor your air by sensing any unhealthy contaminants in the air. For carbon monoxide or smoke detectors, they can literally just tell if there’s smoke or carbon monoxide in the air as long as there’s enough space for them to properly monitor your home.

Space the detectors out effectively so they can monitor the air in your home properly.

Don’t Be Afraid to Call for Help

For any homeowner that needs heating system repairs, or perhaps even needs a new detector installed, we can help. All you need to do is call our team and let us know what your needs are.

Hall’s Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration can help. Call the doctor of home comfort today!

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