Don’t Delay With an AC Replacement—Even at the Close of Summer!

Monday, August 26th, 2024


As summer winds down and temperatures begin to drop, it can be tempting to put off major decisions about your air conditioning system. After all, you’ve made it through the hottest months, and the prospect of cooler weather may lead you to believe that your struggling AC unit can last just a bit longer. However, delaying an AC replacement until the following year or even later in the fall can lead to unnecessary stress, higher costs, and discomfort in your home. At Hall’s Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, we strongly advise against waiting to replace your AC, even if summer is nearing its end.

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Some Good AC Tips for the Dog Days of Summer

Monday, August 12th, 2024


As the summer days stretch on and the temperature continues to climb, your air conditioner works tirelessly to keep your home cool and comfortable. Here are some valuable tips to help your AC get through the dog days of summer, ensuring it operates efficiently and effectively while saving you money and preventing unexpected breakdowns. We can help with our air conditioning service in Shreveport if you need us.

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