When the last cold days of winter and early spring are in your rear-view mirror you probably won’t need to turn your furnace back on until fall comes again. In fact, we recommend you do either a partial or full shutdown of your furnace system once the weather forecast shows nothing but warm days for a long stretch to come. This is an easy way to lower your energy bills.
Hall's Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Blog : Archive for April, 2019
Tips for Shutting Down a Furnace for the Season
Monday, April 29th, 2019
Spring Is a Good Time for a Heating Upgrade
Monday, April 15th, 2019
Spring is often a time of weird weather shifts, but the trend is toward warmer weather until the true summer heat settles in. You’ll use your home heating system less and less through April and May until it shuts off for a few months.
If you’ve been thinking about improving your home heating, spring is a good time to call professionals who know all about heating in Shreveport, LA.
Evaluating Your Heating Costs to Plan for Next Winter
Monday, April 1st, 2019
When the cold weather winds down as spring advances, you’ll want to put the winter far behind you and consider your summer plans. The air conditioner in your house will soon switch to regular operation, so this is the ideal time to schedule its annual maintenance appointment.
There are still good reasons to give some thought to your home heating system during the spring, however, and maybe even arrange for heater service in Shreveport, LA from our experts. Spring is a time when you won’t need either your heating or air conditioning system running steadily, so it’s the right period to evaluate what you may need in the future—and then have it done during a time when there’s no scheduling crunch for technicians.